What words do Americans pronunce different to British English?
2013-04-27 03:14:56 UTC
Detail: do people from the us pronounce it as de'tail like di'tail or deetail like British,
Pasta: is it pronounced like pausta I heard Americans say it like that on tv or do you say it like pasta?
Experiment: Some Americans pronounce experiment like exspearmint?
Vitamins: do you pronounce it such as v'i'tamins or vit'amins like Brits do?
Vehicles: Is it vee'hic'cles or vehicals like I say?
Garage: I heard some Americans say gah'rauge or is it garige like that?
Doctor: I think Americans say it like dauhcter, is it like doc like (docks) ter?
Mobile: how do you pronounce that, is it mo'bole' or mo'bile?
Leisure: is it lee'shure as we pronounce it lez'shure
Laboratory: lab'ra'tory or I don't know how to pronunce it the American way
Route: do all you say it like wroawt (not sure if that makes sense to Americans lol) but you get the idea or is it root?
Zebra: like a zebra animal, is it zeebra or zed'bra like we say as z is zed not zee her?
Cecil: it is a name but we would say Se (like sell) cill like a window sill.
Herbs: is it it like 'erbs or her'bs?
Centrifugal: I say it like centrie'phewgul
Aluminum: I say aloo'minum because that's how Americans spell it which is cooler or aloo'min'ium
Data: some Americans say dah'ta and I say dayta
Tomatoes: so it is pronounced like tomay'toes or to'mart'oes like Brits say it
Alicia: like alic'ia or a-lee-see-ah like Americans say it?
Faucet: I would pronunce it as for'set but I think Americans say faucet like that?
Haitians: do you say it like hay'shiauns or hate'ians?
Remote: I say it as remote like in a remote location, I'm not sure if us pronounce it differently
California: cali'for'nia I think Americans say it the same.
Vase: I say vaurse. I think that's wrong haha
Cucumber: some American say cow umber right? I say cue'***'ber and cue is pronounced like your waiting in a que or a pool table thing
Fanta: I heard some Americans pronunce it like faun'tuah and that we say it like fan'ter and ter sounds like tuh
Million: some Americans say mill'i'u'on and I say it like mill'ie'on
Cliff: some Americans say it like cluff, a guy interviewing Harry potter said Daniel rad'cluff' but British pronunce it cliff like a cliff hanger.
Order: do Americans say orr'der or auder
Fun: do Americans say it like ferhn like a fern tree or fun like sun as I say it?
Over all I think Americans pronunce t's like dee's like I'm audi I know it should be I'm outty because you say that when you leave but it summarises how Americans pronunce things which I love lol
What other words do you Americans pronounce different that I have missed out and how do you pronunce the words I put?
Seven answers:
2013-04-28 03:22:41 UTC
lol no Americans say cluff Here are a few:

garage - US say gur-ahge, UK says gerridge

schedule - US says skedual, UK says shedual

pedophile - US says peh-dophile, UK says pea-dophile

route - US says both root and route

mobile - US says mo-bull describing a phone, mo-bee-ul describing a car and mo-bile describing movement, UK says mo-bile
2013-04-27 05:07:08 UTC
I'll advice you to ask for some general american pronunciation rules, instead of going word-for-word. It will take answerers less time.

By the way, there are various dialects in america. This would depend much on which state you're in. It could depend somehow on if you're talking about old americans, young americans, people from cities or people from the countryside, whites or african-americans, latinos ...etc etc. They got different sosiolects.
2016-08-06 17:12:33 UTC
This is the record of phrases having unique meanings in British and American English: A–L. For the 2d part of the list, see list of words having exclusive meanings in British and American English: M–Z.
2013-04-27 05:37:49 UTC
We say bag different come to Wisconsin and Minnesota (been to both) they say bag with the a sound also butter we say it like budder. Some that you said we say Cecil like sea sill. We say cali (short i) forn- and the ia like nyuh so over all we just pronounce things on a longer or shorter way with vowels and consinents. Come to america and you'll see what I mean.
2013-12-11 14:46:20 UTC
Just search them on Wiki. Also, there might be different pronunciation of words because of the different dialects within the U.S. even so, all terms should be said similarly said.
2013-04-27 10:43:21 UTC
Americans don't speak English, they mangle it.
2013-04-27 03:15:49 UTC

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