How would you feel about having to deal with paparazzi, if you were famous?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
How would you feel about having to deal with paparazzi, if you were famous?
215 answers:
Sami Barakat
2011-09-01 13:01:04 UTC
I think the paparazzi should lay off a little bit, and instead of getting all up in celebrities personal business with their questions and flashing cameras, they should respect their privacy and let them enjoy their life. I mean, if you were on a date with someone, would you want people taking pictures of you and posting them online and in magazines? I think if I was a celebrity, I'd like getting the attention from paparazzi, but not if they were following me EVERYWHERE and not letting me live my life you know? But that's just my opinion :)
2011-09-01 12:48:06 UTC
I would definitely be nice to them so they wouldn't print anything embarrassing of me. I would probably make friends with them. It would make life easier, I think.
2011-09-01 17:46:08 UTC
i'd just moon them
2011-09-01 13:47:08 UTC
it would be nice being in the public eye all the time but eventually the paparrazzi taken pics of you on vacation, etc would get pretty annoying
2011-09-02 12:17:32 UTC
In public, I think it's acceptable. That's just part of being famous. But I can promise that if I was famous, the first paparazzi to step foot on my property would be beaten and thrown off. Any after that would just be shot on sight. Public view is fine, but when it comes to invading my home with cameras, that's crossing the line.

I think that their reactions are over criticized. I was watching one where the paparazzi wouldn't move from in front of the car, and then climbed on the hood to get a better picture. The celebrity got out, decked him in the face, dragged him off the car, and then kept driving. Totally acceptable. Everything's cool so long as you don't touch me, and respect things like not screaming questions at me when I'm on a date with my wife.
2011-09-01 13:32:24 UTC
I would be cordial. As much as I hate them, celebrities need them as much as they do. I would have to play the game as they can turn on people in the drop of a hat. They can be brutal.
Tim M
2011-09-02 06:15:22 UTC
I'd have them all live with me for a week in a place they can't escape from. They'd never want to see me again after that.
2011-09-01 21:11:25 UTC
i wouldn't accept it. definitely not! there are many famous(and good!) actors who dont get chased by the paps. (at least i dont see them much in magazines anyway) eg. freddie highmore, carey mulligan, betty white. acting is a job. a job that in the process results in a lot of people knowing your name and everything about you. at the end of the day, celebrities are human and they need privacy. i dont blame some of the celebs for lashing out as well. to have false information posted about your own private life is terrible!
2011-09-01 16:17:27 UTC
Paparazzi will be cool at first, but after a while, they will be very annoying. I understand why some celebrities get pissed off at paparazzi, they're always following them and asking questions about there personal life.
2011-09-01 14:55:30 UTC
I just want to be REALISTIC. There's people saying they'll be cordial, be nice, etc. but the fact of the matter is, Paparazzi invades. We're all humans, we all have our private moments in life and what not. Being known as a celebrity it's pressure just to walk outside, shop, or do what you want with no interference. You not only have to watch what you do but if you hold a certain image where young girls, boys, and teens idolize you if can definitely hold some pressure. The public will attack and that is stressful beyond.

Example: Amy Winehouse - Sure she battled drugs & alcohol, but look at how the paparazzi tarnished her image through all the horrible pictures they took of her. You literally have to go to google and type in "pretty amy winehouse" to see a decent photo of her.

Miley Cyrus: She's a young teenage girl, sure she works with the disney channel and many children admires her but she's becoming a woman, she goes through puberty, and look at what kind of photos the paparazzi put out of her along with Vanessa Hudgens.

The media can destroy one person's image by an addiction they're battling, the type of fun they like to have, etc. and that little fact that goes out on them, all of a sudden they're name is tarnished and they're known by more negatives than positives.

If I were a celebrity, I wouldn't think it's a fair shake and I would hate to accept it as part of the job. Sure, I put out a few movies, hits, etc. but than to have people on my back every second to sell my photos and make money off of what they "THINK" of me as an individual based on a few bad photos. Is not worth it. There are people out there such as my cousin not saying her name who doesn't do anything to embarrass herself but she says all the time how she stresses on making sure she doesn't slip up because of those cameras. I would hate to have to go through that.
2011-09-04 18:51:40 UTC
I think Paparazzi should be illegal.

If a man takes a picture of a stranger without their permission, they can get arrested.

If a man takes a picture of a stranger that is famous, they get paid.

For the people saying that Celebrities should merely go to places that the paparazzi don't hang out... I don't think you're aware of what they do. Paparazzi often stalk their targets by following their cars and watching where they go from their houses. They can also make driving very dangerous for the celebrities, themselves and other drivers as they can drive very recklessly trying to stay on the person's tail. They will do anything to get a picture.

Also, many shops, restaurants and gyms phone paps when a celebrity visits their place, to try and promote their business. You can't spend your life avoiding everyday activities.

Also, I don't think the 'Celebs chose this life, they should deal with paparazzi' argument is very fair.

No one can prepare you for the life that you experience with the paparazzi. Plus, the public are in control of their fame, they just do their job and live out their dreams. There are many people who are in the entertainment business who are not famous - why would you avoid doing a job you love just because there is a chance you will be faced with the paparazzi? If they are in the business TO get famous, that's a different story.

You will be faced with negative, frustrating, unfair people in almost every job you do. In my opinion, if someone within the business is acting in a way that is extremely unfair or dangerous, you should stand up for what is right. Period. Some may have 'chose' a life with the paparazzi, but that doesn't mean they need to pretend their job is OK.
2011-09-04 17:30:48 UTC
I plan on being famous, so this is a topic I've considered before. I think it deals on the celebrity's personality. No matter what, the paparazzi will hound you doing things everyone else does, just so America can wish they were you..doing those things they already do. So the only real thing to do is accept it as a part of your life. You have to give up something in order to get something else, privacy is exchanged for the glamorous life of a celebrity. I wouldn't like it, but I'd live with it, and I'd try to always keep a good attitude about it.
Lady in Red
2011-09-03 23:51:04 UTC
In my opinion (and that is all it is), the paparazzi sometimes go too far. If they weren't professionals, it would be considered stalking. I also think that the tabloids, etc attack the celebrities when they get upset with the paparazzi. If you ask someone to stop and they don't they should expect a negative reaction. But, as irritating as it is (and I'm sure it's very irritating), destroying personal property, assault, etc IS against the law. I can't go slap someone in Wal-martt because they are irritating me or in my personal space without facing the consequences.

If I were a celebrity (not gonna happen, lol), I would be cordial to a point. Such as, "I can give you 5 minutes."

I loved the story a few years ago about the paparazzi incident involving Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson. They were on vacation and asked to be left alone. The photographers had already gotten shots of them but wouldn't leave them in peace. So, Tom & Rita continued their vacation allowing their photos to be taken everywhere thereby reducing the value of the paparazzi's pics.

Maybe their should be laws put in place to protect celebrities just like there are to protect victims of stalking. There should be limits on how long the paparazzi can pursue a subject & if the photographer is asked to stop, it should be respected or subject to criminal charges.
2011-09-04 12:49:47 UTC
I would have a very difficult time dealing with paparazzi if I were famous. I agree that it must make the celebrity feel as if their life has been intruded upon and I couldn't deal with that. I also feel that some things paparazzi post can be great exaggerations and I couldn't deal with that either. If I were famous I would accept it as 'part of the job' but I wouldn't like it and would probably rather be normal than having people read about what my last embarrassing moment was in a gossip magazine.
2011-09-05 11:17:29 UTC
Honestly? I would try to be as nice as any person could stand with paparazzi - that is, politely answer their questions, pose for a few pictures, and then attempt to quietly leave. If they got more pushy as paparazzi are wont to do, then it would start getting annoying. Then I would most likely continue to ask them to leave, and if they didn't, well... I'm a celebrity. In Hollywood. It's not like I couldn't call some of my bodyguards or something, or ask the police to please step in and get me some space (from what I understand, when a celebrity decides he or she wants to go to a mall or something, the mall staff are alerted in case anything gets out of hand with that star).

To a point, yes it is part of the job, but being a paparazzo is also a job, and there are codes of conduct that go with that job. I feel that while a star does have some responsibility to deal with them on their own, the paparazzi also need to respect that star's comfort zone somewhat - if he or she in the past has expressed a desire to be mostly left alone or be given space, then the paparazzi need to be resigned to give him or her that space, and take their photos from a distance. There should definitely be some sort of professional code of conduct, and each side needs to be willing to give and take a little, especially with new stars who aren't sure how to deal with paparazzi yet. That way, stars don't get overwhelmed with paparazzi ambushes and don't feel watched so much, and paparazzi can still do their jobs and take the photos/get the interviews they want. The more a star and the paparazzi can coexist and strike a happy medium, the better, and I realize that's idyllic, but at least it's a step in the right direction.

I mean, I actually do kind of feel bad for celebrities that just want to go shopping or take a walk or whatever, and then there's all these people following them. I honestly don't blame them for getting annoyed and occasionally even snapping at or maybe punching one of them, depending on the star. Everyone wants to be left alone every so often, and our movie, music, and TV stars are no exception. And yes, let's face it - keeping up a professional image on top of working on movie sets, sometimes with unreasonably picky directors, along with always being in the public eye, is VERY stressful for anyone. So yeah, I really honestly don't blame our celebs for taking all these fantasy vacations on private islands in the Bahamas and getting mani-pedis and stuff because of the stress from their jobs, the paparazzi, and being in the limelight all of the time - if I had that much cash to blow and never got any time to relax, I'd take what time off I could to cope with the stress.
2011-09-04 21:17:08 UTC
The reason celebrities are "famous" are because of people. It's quite simple. If people didn't obsess over them and want to see embarrassing pictures then they wouldn't be famous. However, if they are going to act in a movie or model or something it's like saying i am OK with being famous. I know the consequences. And if you hate being hounded by the paparazzi then simply don't act or model or whatever it is you do. Go away from the eye for a while and you will be left alone. It is there fault for agreeing to it. They know what they are getting into.
2011-09-04 15:24:22 UTC
I would love it! Having people surrounding me with camera's and asking me questions! Usually the paparazzi will ask negative questions because of what they heard from what has been passed around from person to person. So the celebrity would have to clear that theory and rumour. Yes being a celebrity can be fun and also exiting to live the good life but after a while it would get boring. The problem is if you were to do something wrong some how somebody would find out and it would get passed around everywhere. So definitely yes i want to be a celebrity!!!

The thing is i'm camera sky.
2011-09-04 10:59:40 UTC
I think paparazzi should lay off a bit. Yes they're doing their job but so they ever wonder what its like to be famous and be followed around? I'm sure some of them have thought about that yet they still follow people around every where. If I were famous I certainly wouldn't enjoy it. I would want to have my own personal space and not have everything I say or do on the internet, tv, magazines etc. Although, paparazzi like can be a good thing, like you said it keeps them in the public eye. It keeps everyone in the loop about them and talking.

If I were famous I might accept it as 'part of the job' but there are certain situations where paparazzi should not be involved.
2011-09-05 11:49:33 UTC
The one thing I do not understand is why a bunch of famous people don't get together and make their own paparazzi to 1) take better photos of them all the time and 2) to go around and hound the paparazzi that make things miserable for them. They say turn about is fair play, right?

If I were a great actor, or otherwise famous person, I would do everything I could to avoid this harassment from gossip mongers and photographers.
2011-09-01 20:20:08 UTC
I would probably just act calm and quiet and not react to anything they do/say, so they wouldn't have anything terrible to write about in magazines, newspapers and on tv. But it would get annoying after a while to be followed everywhere and have them be there every time you step outside your house, there should be some restrictions with the paparazzi because they can invade privacy at times and can really be inappropriate but I guess that's apart of being a celebrity. I think the way some celebrities react to the paparazzi is justified because they can really over step the line at times, celebrity's are only human after all.
2011-09-04 13:56:59 UTC
I think celebrities should accept being photographed candidly in public, but I don't think that they should have to accept harrassment, invasion, and negative publicity from paparazzi photography. There is an aspect of exploitation (photogs and media make money parasitically off the celeb's image and can alter the way they are "marketed" as an entertainer). So, if paparazzi flatter the celebs, they make up for the exploitation by promoting - and that's what they usually mean to do as far as I can tell, since most paparazzi photos I see are flattering and only a few appear to have been acquired in a stalking/harrassing way. I guess harrassment and bad publicity are the exception but I don't think anyone should have to put up with that part of it.
2011-09-02 08:42:34 UTC
Thats why I would never become famous. While people are always saying "Your just jealous of Justin Bieber/Jason Aldean/Lady Gaga/ wwand how they will have so much more fame then you can dream of ect" No I would never want to become famous for that reason, None of the celebrities get to have a life because of the paparazzi. They can't go to the store like me and you, They can't go out and have a fun time at the water park with there kids like me an you, They can't take a road trip and not be followed and filmed the whole time like me and you. You might have money but its just a s*tty life overall
2011-09-01 15:31:45 UTC
I don't know how it feels to be hounded by the paparazzi, but I do know how it feels to in the press (sort of). During my first year on campus a very close relative who also went to the same campus got into some criminal trouble. I very clearly remember seeing this relative getting arrested on the front page of the campus paper. It seemed like they were every where and everyone was reading it. Then all the updates were front page news. Ughhh, awful!!! Luckily no one questioned me, but I know they or at least felt they were dying to ask.

Oh this relative had just ran and lost for student body president. It was between the winner and my relative. That was years ago and the campus paper left me alone. If that would to happen today, I couldnt imagine what I would have to deal with.

Scary thought now that I think about it.
2011-09-05 05:31:43 UTC
I do think that it is problematic how intrusive the paparazzi can be.

Some countries require any photographer to obtain a legal release from people in their photos in order to release the photo. This effectively makes paparazzi's actions illegal in these countries.

I think in the end, part of the responsibility lies in the people who buy and read the media. If people were not so obsessed with celebrities, the financial incentive behind obtaining candid celebrity photos would be weaker, and the paparazzi would be fewer and less intrusive, because they'd be able to make much less money off their work. The problem is that the financial incentive is so big.

When you get obsessed with celebrities and go searching for photos of them, you're helping to contribute to this problem. Lay off it a bit. If everyone stopped focusing so much on celebrities and instead put the same amount of care and attention into their friends and the regular people around them in their lives, this problem would go away. Not only that, but our whole society would probably be better off because we'd be putting all that energy into quality friendships and quality connections with people instead of just chasing fame and fortune.
2011-09-04 21:22:18 UTC
It's part of the job to a certain becomes over the top when the celebrity is blinded or can't get to the place they're going from all the crowds.

But it bothers me when celebrities complain. If you really hate it so much, stop doing it. It's not like you don't have enough money to retire. If celebrities didn't have paparazzi, they'd have the perfect jobs.
2011-09-04 08:24:11 UTC
They looking for the paparazzi when they are breaking into fame, they enjoy all the attention, they finally made the big time, to their way of thinking.Naturally there comes a point when they resent if because they can not do what they want without the attention and they complain and or start resenting it in many different ways. Then come a time in their life when nobody is around or cares to take a picture of them because they are are not picture worthy and or worn out there picture value. To my way of thinking they have nothing to really complain about because that is the price of being Famous.
2011-09-03 20:18:56 UTC
I don't think it's right that a person's whole job is basically to follow another person around and take pictures of every little thing they do pretty much 24/7, but sometimes I feel like celebrities could handle the situation in a little more of a classy fashion.

If I were a celebrity, for example, I wouldn't give the paparazzi much to shoot. Their job is to get interesting pictures of celebrities acting out or doing something interesting that they can put in their gossip magazines; something shocking or scandalous. If a celebrity really doesn't do anything out of the ordinary, like goes to the store to buy groceries or goes to the library to return books, there really won't be anything interesting to put in a magazine (at least nothing that will hurt your feelings or reputation... "And, here's a picture of ms. celebrity buying some cheeroes at Top Foods today! What a shocking breakfast choice!" ... I mean, come on). And, if you smile and wave at them, there won't be any reason to pull out a bad attitude story, or a "she's so rude in real life" story, or anything like that. They'll just make you look like a cool person by pointing out what you're wearing and how everyone should dress like you cause you're having so much fun wearing it.

I also think, when you do drugs, drive drunk, choose not to wear clothing in public, pee on the floor of some moving public transport, punch someone in the face, or do any other number of other crazy things that ultimately lead to jail time, you can't complain that, just because people are seeing you do these things, you are therefore acquiring a bad reputation. You shouldn't be doing them at all. If you'd just gone to the grocery store and went to bed at a normal time, like a normal person, instead of buying pot late at night at a shifty nightclub downtown and then getting so drunk you fall on your face before you can drive and wreck your car, you wouldn't be having these problems.

Look at Emma Watson for example; an international star thanks to the Harry Potter movie franchise. You don't see her in the tabloids very often because she goes to a university (like a 20 something should be doing) and wears normal classy clothes and does normal things, and especially because she isn't in court, breaking the law, or in jail every other day. Lots of money, very famous, not interesting in the slightest to the paparazzi.

Honestly, it seems like a no brainer to me. If you choose a public job like most celebrities have, you're going to have to behave like a normal classy person with a career or stop complaining about the paparazzi. And, on a side note, if your job is to take pictures of someone going to the grocery store... maybe you should look at your life for a second and consider a new job.
2011-09-02 23:20:17 UTC
It is definitely part of the job. And like every job it could be fun in the beginning ti get all this attention,then possibky annoying sometimes, but in the long run they just need to get used to it or find some more modest way to earn their living.

If I were a celebrity I would only protest if they would seriously invade my privacy, like install a hidden camera at my home or a micriphone in my car, or if they would exhert some pressure or threaten or try to manipukate and misrepresent the infirmation they get on important matters, such as child custidy for example. Otherwise I would let them be and live my own life, although a bit cautiously.
2011-09-02 15:54:49 UTC
If you don't want paparazzi following you, don't be a celebrity. You can't have it both ways - all the publicity without the interest by the public. If the magazines don't sell, then the paparazzi would be out of a job, but since the photo's and stories sell, then paparazzi are just doing their job just as the celebrities are doing.

Those that react badly to the paparazzi are just showing the nature of character of the person. And if you want to go somewhere with out the paparazzi following you, then don't be a celebrity. It is that simple. Don't put yourself in the position where the paparazzi will follow everything you do. I do not feel sorry for celebrates while they make millions per movie or millions a week doing whatever they do - paparazzi is just the price you have to pay for being famous. The public has paid millions for them to have the status, and they have to pay their dues to the public for being famous. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Those that are obnoxious with paparazzi, I totally am turned off to them.

I would always be friendly and polite, as many celebrities are. Most paparazzi are receptive to that and respond with respect. The security detail can handle the unruly paparazzi.
2011-09-02 12:38:52 UTC

I think that dealing with the paparazzi is part of the job. Every job has its pros and cons. Media exposure mostly boosts the image of a celebrity and this is what those in the field do want. Positive publicity is what they can wish for, though everything cannot be had the way one wants!
2011-09-04 15:20:32 UTC
no i don't think celebrities have to put up with it cuz it's their "job".at the end of the day it JUST a "job". yes some actors and singers become actors or singers cuz they want the fame. but so many of them really love what they do.and they do it for love of the job not cuz they want the fame. actually i've heard some actors and singers say it's the only negative of doing what they do. i don't know what gives anyone the right to butt their noses in to other peoples private lives. i mean would i feel i have the right to ask my doctor about his personal life? or my teacher or any person who provides a service for me?of course not.and i don't see how the paparazzi go by on "freedom of the press" because all i see is invasion of privacy. and is it allowed for them to take pictures of people in their homes? how is that not illegal? if i was a celebrity i would break their camera's and punch them in the nose.
2011-09-04 06:11:15 UTC
well being a celebrity obviously you have to deal with the paparazzi, besides once you become a celebrity your privacy is gone, people are interested in what you are doing every seconds and if you do something not good in their eyes they will judge, people need to know celebrities are people too they make mistake they have this positive and negative attitude, they're not saint and they shouldn't always listen to every news they hear about a celebrity cause you don't know the real story, i don't mean to judge but paparazzi sometimes are liars they create false story about someone to have money, paparazzi need to be a little nicer we all know its part of their work but they shouldn't really invade the privacy of a celebrity.
2011-09-03 17:36:35 UTC
I would accept it as part of the job. However, if I was in there shoes I would honestly try my best to keep my private life just that private. Sometimes I think celebrities let the paparazzi in on purpose just so they can get more fans, but when it turns around and bites them in the bite they're not sure what to do. I also think paparazzi make celebrities more 'real', its hard to remember sometimes that they're people just like us. So seeing pictures of them eating, shopping, just hanging out makes us remember that.
2011-09-03 07:36:41 UTC
Cleveland 09/03/11

I am one of those people,..that the News Hounds take a low profile of,.I am Eliasis Yahwehei,.?!!

Right now I am "The Most Important" person, " The Greatest Man" and have more planned than any one else in the World today,..Am as great as anyone that ever lived, probably knows,.man,.?!

The Paparazzis knows,..they probably would rather mingle with my person an collect dirt upon themselves,.Er,..getting down and dirty,.?! In my set up: I be man of God,.!! Prophet,.? And that

I do seems many many people knows,..while not finding it out from news sources,.The mind com-

munication,.thing,.? Yeah,.?! We can communicate around the world,.! We do,.!!?

Sssoo, as soon as my financial support emerges and come full circle,..No doubt, I will need to

duck around the corner or go out through a tunnel,..somethin' so that I escape from the pests,.!?

I am Coordinator of 'en for UTO,.And,..we are going to soak up just about everything,..Liter-

ally(sp),..?!! And,.that is huge,.They knows,..SEE,.???

Eliasis Yahwehei ( The Main Man )
2016-03-05 10:28:05 UTC
For the people saying that Celebrities should merely go to places that the paparazzi don't hang out... I don't think you're aware of what they do. Paparazzi often stalk their targets by following their cars and watching where they go from their houses. They can also make driving very dangerous for the celebrities, themselves and other drivers as they can drive very recklessly trying to stay on the person's tail. They will do anything to get a picture.
2011-09-04 20:29:57 UTC
well i would probably be nice and honest to them i mean yes we ALL know how stupid it is that they want to know EVERYTHING about just another humans life but its not gonna go a way and we should except it and just cope with it and like many things fit it into our lives

im sure that some get very angry with the paprazzi and im sure i would to but even if i did itd be more ok with me i love people and they are just curious like everyone else and if you give them what they want then at least you get a little break and as long as your honest you wont have to explain how you lied or make up more lies. i would be completely honest with them so if they needed to know anything else i could tell them and they would leave me alone for a little bit and that way i wouldnt have to deal with the whole world knowing something i told them that isnt true.

now the whole "fairness" thing is not true i cant tell you how many times ive seen STUPID taylor swift on a magazine saying how heart broken she is when we dont even get to hear the guys side of the story! i mean some horrible celebrities (like stupid taylor) are spoiled rotten babies that their producers wont let anything affect their career and their money so they make them appear as super sweet people when we have no idea who they really are

and the photo thing with the paparazzi? yes we can learn alot about REGULAR HUMANS that are decided to be "the next big thing" but also though we may see what they are doing we might not know how they really look

Even paparazzi photos are feakin photoshopped so our "perfect" celebrities can look perfect and it is very stupid, if a manager sees a flaw they HAVE to cover it up and completely ignore the fact that everyone has flaws and that these celebrities should embrace their flaw as to getting photoshopped and plastered with makeup to be someone they arent

if im a celebrity in the future i want to be REAL not some fake trying to be someone their not

celebrities fans at least deserve the truth considering they are what keep a celebrity alive
2011-09-04 09:44:22 UTC
Well everyone today knows that fame comes with a price. I personally don't think anyone who is famous has the right to complain about paparazzi. I would be fine with paparazzi especially making millions of dollars. Oh poor me everyone wants photos of me whether I look fabulous or not. Give me a break
2011-09-02 18:06:47 UTC
If I where famous i would enjoy all of the attention but when they come out with stuff like "justin and selena caught kissing!" I think to myself "wow, millions of people everywhere kiss. Why is it only famous people have it in the news?" Then I think to myself "Well who wants to here every single time someone kisses? So why report little things that are so common when there are fun things like who whore what to the red carpet and stuff like that." No, I do not feel that celebrities get fair sake from the media because the paparazzi goes way to far as to what their eating and where, on their dates, to the mall basically everywhere just to keep people posted on what their celeb is doing. I think that celebs are treated unfairly because it is a "crime" if they react negatively to the bright lights and having 10 zillion questions fired at them. I would not accept paparazzi as part of the job because it would annoy the S*** out of me if everywhere I go someone asks "WOW u and ____ are dating, how does it feel?"
2011-09-02 13:29:27 UTC
Coming into the line of work, the paparazzi doesn't need to be all up in my business and needling me with questions, nevertheless; it comes with the territory of being famous. The faster celebrities become apparent with the truth, the better. I wouldn't care for it but don't complain about it when you know full good and well it comes with the job. No way around it.
Gnr fan
2011-09-02 21:22:07 UTC
I would some disguise of sorts so I could avoid the paparazzi occasionally. I view the paparazzi as paid stalkers, there should be some line where there is a respect for privacy. I've seen some stupid pictures, like a celeb eating a sandwich.
2011-09-04 17:52:28 UTC
I think that some people actually decide not to pursue a career in the public eye because of the total lack of respect and privacy.

The only way to stop this is for the public to stop buying the magazines and watching the celebrity news shows. I don't think that will happen, at least not for a generation. History always goes in cycles.
2011-09-04 08:22:37 UTC
It depends on who employs the photographer. The incredible fight to get the exclusive top dollar is irresistible to too many who compete. When spotted shopping, or at a park with their children, or leaving a hotel, or in an airport or nightclub, it's outrageous. What stands for me is what angry George Clooney said when the press swarmed him after Lady Diana died. You might have seen it. He worded it well.

There have been books about fans' desire to get behind the scenes, which desire brought this level of competition. Movies are an art form, and the extents to which actors must go to handle privacy aren't fair. Since their faces are necessary to their art form, they don't enjoy the anonymity that writers, painters, sculptors, composers, lyricists, playwrights, art photographers and most other creatives can choose to maintain.

Watching someone create well is a pleasure, true. But that doesn't mean we therefore have earned the right to their kitchens and cars.
2011-09-03 08:14:02 UTC
As with the rest of the world, i think it would be cool to be famous. However, many people do not think about the fact that they get hounded and constantly surrounded by the paparazzi. It can be a little thing that can affect every part of a celebrity's life. It doesn't seem cool at all to me. Yes, it is a fact of life: When you're famous, you are often surrounded by others with TONS of video camera's and camera bulbs flashing. But, when you really think about it, is it really worth it to give all of your privacy to get your name (not to mention rumors) spread around the globe?
2011-09-03 08:09:01 UTC
I would be polite to them because then they wouldn't say anything negative about me. But i would try to shake them away if they were too into my face. I also think that if you are famous you have to accept the paparazzi as 'part of the job' because if you're famous, you can't technically live a normal lifestyle. You are going to have to accept people always knowing your personal life & most likley your past.
Mr White
2011-09-01 21:58:14 UTC
As we should all know, paparazzi don't write story about peoples, they take photograph and sell them to the corporations magazine who specialize in making up false story for their next issue.

So I guess I would be **** & annoy by it but since I am supposed to be famous I guess I would have to play along, image is everything in this particular line of work and you can go down pretty fast. Look at the bright side, paparazzi could give me free publicity.
2011-09-04 17:20:27 UTC
I would be fine with it if the paparazzi didn't cross those certain lines like pop out of the bushes around my home or follow me to the restroom. I wouldn't have a problem for signing autographs or having pictures taken, but not while I'm at a restaurant while I was eating.
2011-09-02 17:45:56 UTC
For people who say it's their jobs, how would you like someone to follow you around 24/7 on your job. I think these people have gone overboard with invasion of privacy. It's one thing back in the day when you lightly asked a celebrity what their favorite color was to now going through their trash, climbing onto private property to take pictures. No I don't like it and wouldn't like it if I was in the spotlight. The only reason this stuff sells is because there's so much sadness in the world it's a distraction. It's not their job, their jobs are to entertain and nothing more.
2011-09-02 12:15:03 UTC
I'd say it's wise to be polite to the paparazzi, if only to avoid bad publicity. That said, I think it's disgusting how intrusive they are and how they disregard a person's right to privacy. If a star is humble or just wants to be quietly appreciated for their talent, we should all respect their wishes.

I just watched a video of Bjork attacking a reporter who had followed her for four days. May not have been the best move on Bjork's part, but I'll be damned if I didn't love that video.
2011-09-01 23:22:49 UTC
Its a part of the job description. Just the same as doing night shift is a part of being a doctor, or how paperwork is a part of being a police officer. Yes, its not the best part of the job, but its a part of it. You know about them when you sign up for it. If you wanted your life to be so personal, but you loved preforming you could always be a drama teacher or something. I just think celebrities need to step back and decide weather its all worth it, and if it isnt then make a change.
2011-09-03 10:41:23 UTC
The only reason a celebrity is famous is because of the paparazzi, its somesthing that comes with fame, they should live with it, as annoying as it is. Or just get out. It's part of the package. in a way they should thank them.
2011-09-02 16:08:15 UTC
I wouldn't put myself in situations where I'm going to be criticized -- even if I wasn't famous.

For the paparazzi, if you're stalking me to the point where you're seeing me drop my kids off at school, seeing at what time I get home every night, or recording every person who gets near me in a private occasion, expect some physical damage followed by a lawsuit for invading my privacy, harassment, and voyeurism.

If you want to take pictures of me, then by all means do so when I'm at a public event or in a location where I can't help but be exposed to you. Just don't expect me to give you a pose or to tell you why I'm there.
2011-09-05 09:43:34 UTC
Celebrities who hate the paparazzi brought that to themselves. They are being hypocrites for not trying to avoid them. Most of these celebrities exploit this by not granting enough interviews and being ''private'' and more difficult to reach. As a result, they charge magazines such as, People for exclusive interviews and photo shoots in exchange for millions of dollars. If I had to deal with paparazzi I would allow them to take pics of me and grant them interviews free of charge, after all, they play a huge role when forming or bringing a celebrity would be into the spot light. Its all about the celebrity's attitude and relationship with the media.
2011-09-05 00:33:00 UTC
I wouldn't give them anything to chew on. My private life is perfectly banal and boring and I would keep it that way even if I was famous. No drunken orgies, no rampant infidelity, no drug abuse, not even parking tickets; absolutely nothing fun for them to sink their teeth into.

I'm very much a private person and I would absolutely detest that kind of attention, but as a celebrity, I'd be just as boring and plain as I am now. If I was an actor, it would be a job and would be all about the acting.
Cheese Sauce
2011-09-03 23:54:13 UTC
At first the paparazzi would be hounding and surrounding me and asking me all kinds of questions and i might like it for a while but eventually somebody would ask a stupid question or they would just be in my way when im on the go and somebody would get pushed or i would probably break a camera on someone's face breaking their face with their own camera with paparazzi photographing me breaking someone's face with their own camera id be infamous for beating up paparazzi they would be hiding behind bushes trying to get a shot in fear of me kicking their ***.
2011-09-01 14:39:55 UTC
I don't exactly want to be famous if so I would love to be famous for doing what I love not for the attention. I would probably be all nice to them and talking to them for about a week or until I actually get tired of it and they start saying bad things about me that I have never said. When they do start saying bad things about me that I never said or I get tired of it I will just put earphones in my ears whiling walking with my head down. I know that paparazzi loves to get their money by just one photo or if they say something that will get a bunch of attention like rumors. Paparazzi will ask you some things and you will reply back with an honest answer and they will mix it all up and say something that you didn't say. The media loves to start rumors after rumors and that is just something you really have to deal with in that kind of business. They will say mean things to you, they will judge your every move, what your wearing, if you are pale they will say you are doing drugs, if you are over weight they will say you are lazy. Its just all these negative things. I think that is why most celebrities don't say a word to paparazzi because they are just trying to get some word out of your mouth that will get the media going crazy over it even if it is the littlest thing. Plus you have to be careful of what you say or that will turn into a ruckus also. I don't think I would really be able to handle it as well as the others with all the fans, the paparazzi following you everywhere, no privacy whats so ever, the media talking bad about you. It would be kinda hard to deal with but if you are strong enough you will get through it and you will get used to it.
2011-09-04 22:53:59 UTC
Terrible, paparazzi take pictures of embarrassing things, sad things, and stuff you don't want to share with anyone. They follow you all around the country, bro. It's sort of like, when Miley Cyrus did I don't think I want that at all. I might do some inappropriate stuff and then what would my fans think of me? Woah. They're like wolfs chasing you--annoying and dangerous. That's why I never wanna be famous.
2011-09-04 14:21:14 UTC
I'd feel bad that the paparazzi has to follow around me (a celebrity). Am I really important? Isn't there a rebellion going on in Libya right now? Cover that
2011-09-03 11:36:47 UTC
wear a goofy mask like for a victorian masquerade or the fake nose and mustache disguise. once people saw famous people wearing masks in public it would catch on. it would at least ruin the paparazzi shots right away, and eventually nullify the paparazzi altogether because nobody would know who the stars were after everyone wore one. if the stars were truly concerned i'm sure they would have tried this idea by now... oh yeah the last guy to try that was jacko in his veil, but i'm sure you would have to remove your veil to enter a public building.
Deanna Hubley
2011-09-02 08:34:06 UTC
It would be annoying never being able to have a private life, but you do have to accept that without paparazzi, you would never be famous. They keep the celebs in the public eye.
2011-09-03 05:04:11 UTC
I personally DESPISE paparazzi. To me they're selfish and only want a story, it doesn't matter 2 them who they hurt. I'd never chose to be one even if i do love 2 write. Also no, celebrities, don't go through a "Fair Shake" People criticize them for every small think and the paparazzi writes wat they want and sees wat they want. We see them through "glass" Behind a lense, behind a video camera, or other things. If I was famous, I wouldn't bride them or do anything really, i go there people and need to make a living so i would be nice but if they go far i would tell them off....*sigh* Of course im still young

Sry, this is my own opinion
2011-09-05 03:45:25 UTC
Most celebrities are only famous because of the media so you either put up with it or live a real life like everyone else.

In general the celebrities who complain the loudest are the ones that do whatever they can to end up in the paper in the first place.

You have to accept it because it is the only thing that justifies you being rich and famous in the first place. If you don't want to be in the public eye then step out of it. Without the media many celebrities would be forced to work for a living ... or in some cases sign-on for their welfare cheque.

No sympathy from me.
2011-09-02 16:50:46 UTC
Of course it is part of the job Your famous and your bosses and everyone love you which is good as it gets recognition free advertising. Best to be good all the time then no worries about them taking a shot of you making a fool of yourself and getting a bad rap.

I am sure it is annoying but your well paid so you can afford places they can not get to besides they need jobs too and if your nice to them maybe the photos will be more flattering. Star's love attention anyways.
2011-09-01 14:02:52 UTC
I would feel upset to deal with paparazzi. It's impossible to 'fly under the radar' with them. Then there are good and bad paparazzi people. But for the most part many of them won't respect boundaries if you ask, and can be unscrupulous in their disregard of ones boundaries. On the flip side there's sometimes publicity that is positive, Like in the "Godfather ll," Hyman Roth said, "This is the business we chose..." You choose a career that leads to fame you don't ask, "Who's taking my picture? What's with that?" You come to grips with somehow dealing with it and experiencing the highs and lows, and if you could sue the paparazzi for crossing the line, then decide if you can take a stand against them, and win.
2011-09-02 13:06:23 UTC
I mean, it's not really part of the job, it just has been MADE part of the job because they've been doing it for a really long time. I wouldn't mind it sometimes, but I would definitely get irritated because you know, were human & we don't always want cameras in our faces 24/7. I would be nice, unless the continued if I asked them to leave me alone, then I'd get an attitude.
2011-09-02 18:45:04 UTC
I would be paitient, I guess, and let them run crazy until they're bored of me, and smile and say thank you or something kind and something they wouldn't expect. This would at least make them friendly towards me and they might just be a bit kinder the next time around, which would make my life a whole lot easier. I'd usually continue this throughout my career and make friends everywhere. People will think kindly of me as well, and I'll gain good money, needed fame and excellent friends and supporters.
2011-09-02 22:26:46 UTC
poor celebrities getting offered hundreds of thousands and millions for simple family photos,interviews, and wearing some clothes form a frenchman to a glam'd out all comped televised event.

I dont pity them at all- deal with it and compensate by laying down in a 20k smart bed,having a shower in your 10k massaging aroma/massage shower and have your world class chef you keep on staff prep you some comfort food with 24k gold flakes. Or do a mountain of pure coke ---since you can actually afford to do so. The problems of the rich should mean nothing to the lower and middle class. I reserve my pity for people who deserve it. Like a miner who works double shifts and winds up bankrupt after a life of ACTUAL WORK because drugs and hospitals for dealing with the health issues he had to expose himself to for employment bleed it out.

Do you think the people getting fanned with giant leafs care how sore the arms of the fanners are? Screw em all
mr. mister
2011-09-01 15:07:33 UTC
I would accept that as a small price to pay for the insane amount of money I'm making. However, if I have fans and paparazzi, I would expect them to be sensible about it. If they aren't, I wouldn't want to be a celebrity and would probably have a 'fall-out' on purpose.
2011-09-03 23:16:53 UTC
My mum always said, "I wouldn't like to be famous because you can't pick your nose"- kinda true. Everything that is found out and you'd be on top gossip, you wouldn't really have any secrets. Me, myself, wouldn't like it, but I would be nice of course. If they loved me and all that, i'd kindly spend some time with them. Deal with the paparazzi? Spray some mosquito poison on them? lol no, I'd deal with them probably by doing one at a time with them.
2011-09-03 14:05:55 UTC
My attitude would be, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. I would simply accept it as a fact of life. In fact, maybe you could use them to further some other cause you had, such as posting a sign out where you know they'll be taking pictures, put a political message on it, if they're going to be making it public anyway. If they choose not to use those pictures because of the sign, then they won't be able to use ANY pictures of you.
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2011-09-03 17:19:21 UTC
LOL to the answer where if they be nice to them, then they wont be hounded. You cannot be friends with someone who makes a living by printing stories about you. At the end of the day, its their meal on the table for their families or the "friend's" privacy
2011-09-02 19:45:25 UTC
I would just tell them my plans for the day and invite them along. I don't typically do things I care to hide really. Sooner or later they'll get bored with me.

..Going to the bank, then the DMV, them maybe in and out, catch a movie, going home to surf the web... fall asleep on the couch watching re-runs woo hoo! scandalous!
2011-09-02 10:53:40 UTC
after reading all this and knowing! yes your right! we do need paparazzi to stay above most, how ever they do help too, so in he-insight whats up with you obsessed ppl Photoshopping **** the next day to be noticed on what we do?

seriously fans are more retarded ph shopping than paparazzi

get a grip!
2011-09-04 06:16:46 UTC
I actually think Celebs like paparazzi but when they paparazzi cross the line celeb will get irritated.
2011-09-04 05:55:08 UTC
Paparazzi are the reason I would never want to be famous
No pun intended
2011-09-03 12:10:58 UTC
I would love to run away from the paparazzi for a day.
2011-09-02 11:46:33 UTC
I might accept it but then I would like try and change how the paparazzi are SO annoying! They really don't give any stars their privacy!
U Mad?
2011-09-04 22:09:11 UTC
Whatever made me famous is my job. Whatever the paparazzi does legally is theirs, but that doesn't mean I have to give them any courtesy, or make their job easy. The second they step out of line, I'll throw the book at them.
2011-09-04 07:37:38 UTC
The last line of your question violates YA community guidelines.

I see Yahoo is allowing violations of the guidelines if you bribe them to do it, but the rest of us are subjected to repeated wrongful deletions of questions and answers.

Because you are a Yahoo advertiser, I will not go to your site. When YA fixes the delete and appeal process to stop empowering fascists to violate the rights of the rest of us, off of whom Yahoo makes money from advertisers (if we don't come to YA, the advertisers won't buy ads here), then I will no longer boycott Yahoo advertisers. As for now, though, you are all part of the boycott of Yahoo advertisers until YA fixes the delete and appeal process.

The vast majority of appeals are not read by YA, that is clearly obvious. When they are read, you get an arbitrary decision based on political and religious beliefs and even the imagination and personal whims of the customer service agent and not based on objective criteria.
2011-09-02 08:51:50 UTC
Are you kidding.Pay me 20 million for a movie and the paparazzi can live with me!!!
2011-09-05 03:55:14 UTC
If you CHOOSE that lifestyle nobody holds a gun to your head and forces you into it then it comes with the territory and you just have to shut up and put up with it as you are now public property as they pay your wages.

So called a list celebrities after all live in the lap of luxury for doing very little in return.
Hope Less
2011-09-03 13:43:10 UTC
2011-09-03 13:15:16 UTC
I wouldn't mind. I'm sure it would be annoying after a while but ultimately that is the price of fame. You cant have it both ways. I think the advantages of being famous would far outweigh the disadvantages
2011-09-02 08:31:45 UTC
ABSOLUTELY Celebrities "get a fair shake"!!!

When they complain, they just need to be reminded how when they were proverbial nobodies (or just mere mortals like you or I), they would probably have sold their respective souls to the Devil in order to get an opportunity to negotiate just one tenth of the attention they are currently complaining about.

Moral Here: Be careful what you ask for - because you just might get it!
christopher m
2011-09-02 04:33:34 UTC
it is part of the job,they might not get a fair deal from the media sometimes but the act like little babies most times ,yes i would trade a little freedom for the money they make
2011-09-05 11:14:50 UTC
I'm 13 and want to be a singer - I know it's not likely but I'd like the papparazzi if they only came to like film premieres and concerts etc :L Don't blame me I'm just a dreamer :L
2011-09-04 09:35:18 UTC
It goes with the territory.If you cannot handle the heat get out of the kitchen. You have to deal with them the best way that works for you.You need the publicity fair or not you have your share.
Emilia Ruby
2011-09-02 22:13:47 UTC
I would definitely try to compromise with them so that they wouldn't capture any embarrassing or stupid images of me, so i would be really nice to them and like invite them over or make them coffee or something (lol). If you have seen Hannah Montana Forever, the episode AFTER she reveals herself to be Miley (i know this sounds really stupid but just listen), she makes friends with the paparazzi so that they wouldn't be nasty to her and write mean articles. Sorry this was really long but this is just my opinion :)
Chvy Man
2011-09-02 22:31:32 UTC
I would find a way to disappear for long periods of time when I didn't need to be seen for a while. And find a way to keep my more isolated properties a secret so that I would have sanctuary from prying eyes.
2011-09-03 15:22:21 UTC
I think that I would try to be kind and polite. I wouldn't get mad at them because I'd know that this just went along with my job. I'd remind myself that I am very lucky and fortunate to have such success, and I would try to be a positive role model.
2011-09-02 11:57:22 UTC
and you know why they are famous. they pay the paparazzi to fallow them and to take pictures and all that crazy thing that the famous do to attract attention that is how they make their money
2011-09-01 20:34:47 UTC
Questions like this violate the community guidelines, so you're violating the community guidelines by chatting because this question is opinion based, so it's considered chat. So shouldn't this question be reported abuse since when we ask questions like these it's considered a chat and violation? And I'd hate the paparazzi, I'd want to break their cameras and sue them for false stories/assumptions or invasion of privacy (lol).
2011-09-04 14:54:04 UTC
its better to be nice to them and they learn to respect you, instead of invading your privacy all the time, i mean part of being famous is learning to accept the fact that theres always gonna be people who wanna take photos of you, i hate celebs who are nasty to the paps but then when they got an album, a new film or a new book out they're all nice trying to have their photo taken as if they're generous with the paps, hate celebs like that, one celeb i know of sylvester stallone, hes always been good with them, he aint nasty and they respect him for it thats the way to be, respect that they have to take pics to eat, and in return they put your photo in the newspapers, its a win win really..
2011-09-04 07:59:26 UTC
id hold like organised photo shoots for them that way if I gave them what they want they might leave me alone if that didnt work out id just hire LOADS of security :) but yeah I would consider it as 'part of the job' its the curse of a celebrity
La Nena
2011-09-03 19:16:46 UTC
I would pose for the camera. What's so wrong about it? If you want privacy stay in your house, lock the doors, pull the curtains, and if your doorbell rings or someone knocks just look through the peep-hole.
2011-09-05 12:18:46 UTC
I am not a Muslim, but if I were famous I think I would wear a burka to help preserve some privacy!
2014-10-25 20:24:43 UTC
and the photo thing with the paparazzi? yes we can learn alot about REGULAR HUMANS that are decided to be "the next big thing" but also though we may see what they are doing we might not know how they really look
2011-09-03 11:07:03 UTC
Well, I'll just say this.

When I hear about a celebrity going off on one of these guys and getting into trouble about it, I think, "Good for you. You deserve a medal."

I'm all for freedom of the press. But this wasn't our forefather's intent.
2011-09-02 13:04:19 UTC
i always thought it'd be fun being questioned and followed by all of them, until last year when i told my freind i wanted to be an actor and he got like a 100 ppl to follow me with cameras and keep asking me questions, really took the ****. Definitely isnt nice having your space constantly invaded
Spencer Kupelian
2011-09-03 17:00:01 UTC
I would at first just love it!!! But after a while it would irritate me because they would follow me everywhere and i would have no privacy. Example: OMG!!! SO AND SO IS AT THE MARKET!!!! Anyways, I would be respectful to them and tell them the truth to prevent rumors :)
2011-09-03 07:42:08 UTC
Any paparazzi that got near me better be ready for a mouth full of lead!!!!!!!!
2011-09-01 20:03:07 UTC
dude if i were famous n some paparazzi put a freakin camera in my face I'd be like "If u don't get that camera out of my face ima chop yo balls off n make u eat them" Lol. It's not fair that celebs have to go through that. They have lives to live too. They're human beings like the rest of us. The paps can rot in hell for all i care. I mean how would they feel if someone was constantly shoving a camera in their face, n shouting questions at them?? I don't think they're like it very much. Bull ****.
2011-09-05 10:19:26 UTC
If they are nice & polite to me then I will return the favor. Also one of the reasons they are negative to the celeb while "hounding" is because the celeb is a trouble maker, or can't shut up about stupid things or is being mean to all photographers.
Kool Kid on the block
2011-09-03 07:25:03 UTC
U want fame u want paparazzi
2011-09-05 11:55:54 UTC
Noone really knows how they would react in a situation like that until it actually occurs. I can say that I would be nice and cordial but in reality I may become paranoid and angry and lash out at them.
Mark B
2011-09-04 22:10:27 UTC
It's like living with learn to control it and learn what triggers an asthma attack and then you remain calm and deal with it. Getting frustrated or angry just makes it worse.
2011-09-04 17:30:24 UTC
I would absolutely hate it. I value my privacy too much. But one must remember, the "celebrity life" is a choice.Its not something they just fell into, so for that reason.....they don't get my sympathy vote.
2011-09-01 16:44:12 UTC
I think to a certain degree you sign up for it, for example...

You're in essence nothing without the paparazzi so you might as well get used to it, not too say they can't be annoying and intrusive :P
Bryan M
2011-09-05 12:43:38 UTC
I would leave them alone and be nice until they start interfering with my family's and my private life, then I would come out of my house with a shotgun and tell them if you don't leave my family and I alone I will start shooting!
2011-09-04 11:25:43 UTC
well, that is the only reason that I don't want to have Paparazzi, because they would follow me everywhere I go, and take stupid embarrassing pics of me, make rumors about me,
2011-09-03 09:04:44 UTC
The only thing celebrities hate more than people taking their pictures is when people stop taking their pictures.
Prince of Maddness
2011-09-05 12:16:59 UTC
I'd hate them.

Solution: Tell them to get real jobs, then get a lot of restraining orders.
2011-09-04 14:36:32 UTC
Well I would smile and pose till I went blind:P Then I would ask the politley to leave me alone
2011-09-04 13:03:48 UTC
I personally find myself being a rather nice person. I would probably make friends and talk to them a bit so, at times, they would give me a break.
2011-09-02 05:32:45 UTC
terrible. i'm not a paparazzi's girl i'd say ;)

even though.. thinking about it twice.. i'd start making fun of them.. maybe even appreciating the extra attention? *big laugh*
2011-09-02 07:10:02 UTC
all truth nothing just make sure i watch myself in public as my life would no longer belong to me but to my fans.they have threre right to do whatever it takes to get the scoop on me for my fans as long as i wasn't doing something stupid like mess around on my wife or doing drugs or getting busted for a dui i would see no wrong.
2011-09-01 22:38:48 UTC
It's part of the deal, you earned tons of money,not everyone can have that kind of opportunity.You have to accept because all eyes is on whatever your doing
2011-09-04 19:52:14 UTC
That is part of th deal being famous. Accept it or quit.
2011-09-02 14:41:47 UTC
I would hate it. not that i have anything to hide, i just like my privacy. i don't even like people knowing where i live. much less legally stalking me (aka paparazzi)
2011-09-01 17:42:44 UTC
basically, becoming a celebrity is signing your life over to the public. you can try and keep it private, it's not impossible, but it is hard. you can't have fame and no paparazzi, there's no way around them. why should we "cut slack" for celebrities? they wanted this. it was their decision. there's no way they didn't know it was coming. i find it very annoying when they complain about paparazzi. it's your job. yes it's unpleasant, but it's part of your work so suck it up.
2011-09-05 10:23:16 UTC
Speculation...I do not worry or fret because I am not famous and neither should you...much more important world issues to ponder.
2011-09-02 14:57:22 UTC
i think yes it is part of the job since they are only trying to make a living out of the pictures

if you got nothing to hide whats the point of stressing about it
2011-09-04 15:21:42 UTC
I would not like them following me around and taking photos. No privacy.
2011-09-03 06:31:01 UTC
HELL NO!!!!!! I feel bad for the paparazzi that follow me around.
2011-09-05 12:09:38 UTC
I would feel special for a while. But then it would get ****** annoying, and one day they'd catch me with my pants down.
the best that you can tell
2011-09-04 17:57:11 UTC
at the end of the day its a job but i would just have a muscle car and tell them to move b!tch get out my way
2011-09-02 05:32:09 UTC
I'd handle them with a shotgun. Seriously, anyone else would be labeled as a stalker.
2011-09-01 15:31:22 UTC
I understand that it's their job, and it would be part of my lifestyle, so I would accept them and be polite, but I would put my foot down if they were getting to personal. But I wouldn't mind them too much!
2011-09-04 11:55:43 UTC
I would be nice to them, if they ask me a question, I will answer. I will only pretty much talk if they ask me questions. (: But it would be nice to talk to them, just not all the time. But sometimes, you just want to be alone & i also understand that.
Dan S
2011-09-04 20:15:11 UTC
A small price to pay for fame
2011-09-03 07:34:28 UTC
thats practically the main reason why i don't want to be famous in the first place (unless i'm rich enough to get my own security team).
Sicilia shines
2011-09-01 15:06:49 UTC
I would plead the fifth on any of their questions. these people are not your friends anything you say will and can be used against you and for you. sometimes the more you say the more dumber you look. so thats what i would do, just stay calm, quiet and smile for the camera.
Robert Lane Saget Jr.
2011-09-02 10:06:22 UTC
I would love it...I am all about being out there and getting publicity.
2011-09-05 08:54:29 UTC
I'd be the least interesting person ever until they get away from me.
2011-09-02 22:40:22 UTC
I would run away..

if they keep coming back for more, then I would get violent :I

Good thing I'm not famous :D
2011-09-02 19:47:59 UTC
i would feel trapped and i couldn't be free to do anything. and i hate the though to always seek attention. that's why i don't read gossip magazine.

For job, you have to really really love it to ignore the cons. you sacrifice your private life
2011-09-02 11:28:02 UTC
I would see them as allies. Hounded? My heart bleeds...OMG, success is a curse? Smite ME! :)
2014-08-02 18:43:16 UTC

To make money with photography,

you just need to register to this service
2011-09-03 04:11:13 UTC
I'm gonna have to kill somebody why the hell ya all in my face. ( madea). Thank you I love you good belss where ever I am. Like my boyfriend booby tottaly loves me( stupid blond)
2011-09-01 22:35:51 UTC
I honestly would not mind. I would just smile and talk to them and just continue on with what i was doing
2011-09-01 22:20:51 UTC
im not really sure, it does seem tough, looks like i might find out if i ever do become famous, can someone plz make me famous?
2011-09-01 13:16:16 UTC
They are going to make up fake stuff about you no matter what .I would just avoid them as much as possible and when they get annoying I would really give them an OMG moment by saying some most unthinkable things about them and make them wanna stay away .
2011-09-04 20:27:57 UTC
I would just start running away! I hate people taking pictures of me.
2011-09-01 18:46:04 UTC
It's part of the job. If you can't handle people hounding you while being paid millions, then go work at Walmart for minimum wage and have your landlord/utility company/credit card company hound you instead.
2011-09-04 13:05:33 UTC
I would have to actually keep quiet in the first place.
2011-09-04 08:25:52 UTC
I would give them something to talk about. That's what they want, don't they? I would enjoy being controversial about something they don't hear much about. Rock!!
Rocket Man (Lv. 9999)
2011-09-02 23:42:38 UTC
Flip em a bird.
2011-09-05 11:02:50 UTC
I wouldn't really care unless its something personal :)
John D
2011-09-03 22:20:29 UTC
I would end up lashing out at them and try taking their cameras from them.
2011-09-03 20:07:28 UTC
if they got in my face i will pop them on their head with w/e im holding, but if they stalked me from a distance i don't think i would care lol, honestly i like people taking my pics :)
2011-09-03 10:37:25 UTC
I think it's easier if you try to get along with them and so they don't make up any false rumor's.
2011-09-02 21:22:07 UTC
I wouldn't mind much as long as they don't watch my every move. Other then that it would be kind of fun (as long as they don't post anything embarrassing).
I ♥ MJ™
2011-09-02 07:47:32 UTC
personally, i would act as if they wasn't there but befriend them, not to mention if they posted anything false about me i'd immediately ask them as to why they posted it and inform fans on twitter whatever it is is untrue.
2011-09-03 12:48:14 UTC
They invented pepper spray for a reason.
2011-09-02 11:11:51 UTC
I suppose it just comes with the job , and the money , and the amazing house , and the...... i'm rambling :P
2011-09-04 17:30:10 UTC
At first I think it would be cool!!! then after when you find out you have pictures in your private moments it would F#@ken **** me OFF !!!!
2011-09-04 07:20:07 UTC
i'd try to run away and avoid them, and try not to do anything embarrasing so they wouldn't make me like a total gossip hot spot!
2011-09-03 03:38:51 UTC
i would like the attention....but if they say some kinda bs about me, i would put up a reward for 1,000,000 for them. dead of alive >8 )
2011-09-02 09:56:48 UTC
I'd go Kanye West on their @ss
2011-09-03 23:39:28 UTC
i wouldnt like it, its like being stalked by people and having your personal business broadcasted to the whole world
2011-09-02 11:35:43 UTC
I would give them the middle finger
2011-09-01 14:23:28 UTC
It would be hard too see lies about me in the tabloids but! becoming a actor/actress you have GOT TO KNOW what your in for ... so i would deal with them in a professional manner but all i know is easier said than done .
David Aguilar
2011-09-03 21:18:42 UTC
i wouldnt do anything scandelous i wouldnt pose for the camara i would just listen to music
2011-09-02 17:55:37 UTC
It serves them right
2011-09-01 13:55:48 UTC
Well, it IS about the only communication with your fans.

Im not famous but i see how much crap they give celebrities and how thier lives become a movie- a joke- some kinda business-

But If i was famous id probably put up with paparazzi- cuz i know its my only way out of these ****--y situations

2015-08-19 09:55:29 UTC
I hate them
~Legend Status~
2011-09-04 21:52:07 UTC
i would just get a concealed weapons permit and tell em if they didnt leave me alone id shoot em. hahahahahahaha
2011-09-03 20:14:30 UTC
ill be smilling for the pictures but mostly hidding from them.
2011-09-02 18:51:28 UTC
If you don't want to be in the SPOTLIGHT, then chose a different career.

2011-09-02 07:26:31 UTC
I would be elusive, just like Keneau Reeves, Streisand, at 'My ' beck and call......
2011-09-05 06:29:05 UTC
I would not be rude. I would just be quiet and stay to myself and ignore them.
2011-09-04 20:25:24 UTC
I would punch them in the face and say: BEAT IT!
2011-09-02 15:46:09 UTC
hide behind massive sunglasses
2011-09-01 20:04:08 UTC
I wouldn't do anything crazy with them around, and I would definitely lay low.
2011-09-05 09:26:23 UTC
A can of gas and a lighter.
2011-09-02 18:41:22 UTC
i would probably want them to leave me alone sometimes but also i would love to have my picture taken when i want it to be taken and that's that if i ask them to leave me alone i expect them to leave me alone!
2011-09-01 14:34:58 UTC
I would hate it people snapping pics of me like 24/7 I would probably kung-fu there asses. But they would be so intrested in me because I am such a weirdo that they would forever snap pics of me.
2011-09-04 07:46:27 UTC
With a machete.
2011-09-02 05:26:56 UTC
I'd probably get violent with them.
2011-09-02 12:58:04 UTC
I don't think i'd enjoy it at first, but i'd learn to cope with it.
2011-09-04 00:45:09 UTC
ignore them and act normal
2011-09-03 09:49:01 UTC
Shoot first, ask questions later
2011-09-02 11:45:18 UTC
Tell the bitches to leave me the **** alone.
2011-09-04 21:47:12 UTC
I would personally hunt them down and torture them.
2011-09-03 19:14:55 UTC
i would hide myself with a disguise
2011-09-01 21:43:29 UTC
i would wear a costume and i would call them stalkers
2011-09-04 11:13:22 UTC
Like OMG! What do you mean IF?

{sniff} :-(
2011-09-03 08:40:51 UTC
It must be cannot do anything you are watched and stalked!id much rather be poor and inconspicous!
2011-09-04 11:56:08 UTC
2011-09-02 13:57:56 UTC
you have very little to worry yourself about dear
2011-09-03 14:23:14 UTC
I'd be taking their pictures also.
Luis Mcfly
2011-09-02 17:27:09 UTC
lets say say, that the last thing they will hear would be, go get them butch.
the hackmaster2013
2011-09-02 15:15:31 UTC
i would have no problem authoritizing my concealed carry license
2011-09-02 21:05:52 UTC
Have sex with all the sexy ones
Gary B
2011-09-01 21:36:38 UTC
it would drive me crazy... sometimes you do not want you re pic taken
Billy Hartley
2011-09-03 23:23:05 UTC
"GTFO!!" *Pepper spray* I'm famous for being crazy.
2011-09-02 19:42:51 UTC
2011-09-02 16:48:14 UTC
wear wigs and hide obviously...
2011-09-01 20:38:48 UTC
Mel Gibson is the man!!!!
2011-09-01 17:35:32 UTC
Celebrities are pampered spoiled brats that deserve any and all public scrutiny. They encourage immoral behavior and have very liberal sexual agendas. So i say they get what they deserve period.
2011-09-05 12:08:59 UTC
I would kick their as*es.
2011-09-04 22:39:35 UTC
**** that i tell them to **** off or i beat some ***
Kayla Mann
2011-09-02 11:36:38 UTC
i would not like it
2011-09-04 15:48:48 UTC
id hate it.
2011-09-04 14:49:18 UTC
be nice
2011-09-01 19:10:16 UTC
Depending on where they are and when
2011-09-03 10:08:50 UTC
all u need is a weapon
2011-09-01 19:13:36 UTC
Go back to the kitchen! :b
2011-09-03 09:37:22 UTC
i would flash my t*ts and p*nis like lady gaga. f*ck everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!XD
2011-09-02 20:07:48 UTC
what a stupid and pointless question
2011-09-01 20:12:57 UTC
it's part of the job,
2011-09-04 14:40:35 UTC
I would be mad
2011-09-01 14:08:36 UTC
it's their job...although i still wouldn't too much care
2011-09-05 08:23:48 UTC
I like my privacy. Thanks.
2011-09-01 14:52:29 UTC
i would murder their families

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