What in society makes Britney Spears screwing up her life, more important than a true musician's death?
2007-10-24 12:09:42 UTC
Oct. 20 Paul Raven, member of( Ministry, Grammy nominated band as well as played bass for Prong, Killing Joke and Pigface) died. His work invoked emotion, and helped in a call to arms of storts... With the idea if you don't like your life get up and do something about it. Saying things about politics, and voicing opinions to try to make positive change in the world is stuff of musical legends such as Jim Morrison or John Lennon (to name a couple). What makes the news the day after his death? Britney regaining visitaion rights of her kids. Why is it that acknowledging the passing of a true artist is less important to our society than paying attention to some train wreck, skidmark of a person like her? His passing impacts every individual, even it it may be indirectly. I don't think the world realizes what they have so unexpectely lost.
Nineteen answers:
Michael F
2007-10-24 12:27:30 UTC
i feel your sentiment, i can tell you are a big fan of his work. I feel that way about a lot of my favorite artists. I dont know who legitimaly cares about Brittany anymore. More like watching a train wreck...cant turn away. I think placing this guy next to the likes of Morrison or Lennon is a little absurd, Ministry, although maybe very important in your life...did not have that kinda fan base or impact on society as you may think. But i think we all can agree that we wish Brittany would just go away, and that there is a serious problem with mass media today.
Lynn G
2007-10-24 19:25:41 UTC
People like a train wreck. Britney isn't a musician, she's an entertainer. People have watched her rise to the top as an innocent, albeit sexy, jailbaity pop star, then start getting trampy, lose her virginity, then marry some nobody, followed by a loser, pop out two kids, get busted doing various no-nos with the kids around, lose her great figure and start to suck performance-wise, then lose her kids. Britney is interesting because of her fall from grace. It's morbid curiosity--how messed up can this get? Guaranteed, if Britney gets her act together, people will begin to notice that she hasn't put out any decent music in years, so it's actually in her best interest to continue to make messes.

It is often not enough just to be really good. Unless you give the public something to watch, you will probably not get the respect you deserve. This means either be constantly out and about, or be a train wreck.
Joy M
2007-10-24 19:14:43 UTC
Unfortunately, it's mainly based on the popularity of the artist. Paul Raven was not as popular as Britney Spears is. In general, many pop musicians tend to gain a lot more popularity than the type of music that Paul Raven made. It has broader appeal. I'm not saying his music wasn't good, but Britney Spears' has had a much broader appeal.

News of what's going on in Britney Spears' life, therefore is going to sell more papers or capture more viewers than the death of a lesser-known rock musician. It's just the way things are.
2007-10-24 19:16:45 UTC
The media will report on stuff that generates ratings and get people to watch their shows/buy their newspapers/etc.

Britney Spears news gets a lot ratings.

Paul Raven news will not get ratings.

Therefore Britney Spears will get reported on by everyone while Paul Raven will be largely ignored.

Things like musical talent and actual importance are not factored in at all. It's all about the ratings.
2007-10-24 19:15:18 UTC
The mainstream doesn't listen to Ministry or Prong. Both are great bands, but not popular. So it's not going to make the news because the target audience is not interested.

Similarly, most people are simple creatures that love gossip, and are waiting in anticipation for Britney to get knocked up, get a tatoo on her face, commit suicide, or have seex in a public place (not necessarily in that order).
2007-10-24 19:19:52 UTC
I agree; we are force fed Britney news and I don't know why the media feels we have to know every detail the second it happens. It is a sad commentary indeed that news of this poor lost soul takes precedence over any other news. Honestly, were the Second Coming to happen, they would tell us the latest Britney scandal first!
2007-10-24 19:16:39 UTC
Because no one really cares about the person or the story, they just like or do not like the music. No one really gives a damn about some knock off bassist from an abscure band barely anyone listened to. Sad, but true...we care more about seeing someone who was on top of the world falling on their face instead.

Sad that he's destined to be remembered as just some guy that died of a heart attack in his sleep.
2007-10-24 19:19:28 UTC
I sympathize with your loss, but I didn't have the foggiest notion of who Paul Raven is, and that he had such an impact in the world.

As for Britney, people delight in setting up "beautiful" people as paragons and then delight in seeing them fall short of the mark.
2007-10-24 19:22:09 UTC
Paul Raven's goals in life did not include cultivating fame. If he had it would have taken time away from his true value as a human being and a musician. Take time to grieve and stay away from the mainstream media.
Tryin to Liv
2007-10-24 19:15:02 UTC
I think it is because not to many people listen to Ministry music and everyone and their dog knows who britnay spears is..But I totally agree that everyone needs to quit wondering what celebraties are doing. Britnay Spears gets more air time than the war in Iraq!!!
2007-10-24 19:13:23 UTC
The lowest of the low tabloid newspapers (especially The Sun in England) are to blame
2007-10-24 19:13:47 UTC
No one is interested in real music. They just like to see crusty old talentless wasters like Britney Spears and Aimee Winehouse, s*hit their lives up, while real talent gets ignored. Music is better off without them, rather than real legends.
Miss Marie
2007-10-24 19:12:58 UTC
its sad, the media makes Americans out to be more dumb and shallow than they really are and when we are fed this garbage, well eventually it becomes true...its sad that we dont even have, or hear of, amazing musicians anymore because its all about how you can shake your *** or mess up your life in front of the world
2007-10-24 19:13:18 UTC
The media is screwed up and only reports on what they think will sell papers and unfortunately people buy in to that.
2007-10-24 19:17:07 UTC
Are you kidding? I'd rather watch a train wreck than a fossil crystallize.
2007-10-24 19:13:55 UTC
they dont care because britney has done a lot of stupid things. ppl just want to talk about the bad things ppl do now. only to make themselves feel better.
2007-10-24 19:13:11 UTC
Spears is a media mogul. Everything is scripted. They make millions.
richard t
2007-10-24 19:13:30 UTC
I never heard of the man you are talking about.......i bet a lot of people have not heard of him.....everyone heard of Brit and hes screw is news--tabloid news...........
Lenny L
2007-10-24 19:12:38 UTC
She's an idiot. The more we keep giving her attention, the more this bs will continue.

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