Oct. 20 Paul Raven, member of( Ministry, Grammy nominated band as well as played bass for Prong, Killing Joke and Pigface) died. His work invoked emotion, and helped in a call to arms of storts... With the idea if you don't like your life get up and do something about it. Saying things about politics, and voicing opinions to try to make positive change in the world is stuff of musical legends such as Jim Morrison or John Lennon (to name a couple). What makes the news the day after his death? Britney regaining visitaion rights of her kids. Why is it that acknowledging the passing of a true artist is less important to our society than paying attention to some train wreck, skidmark of a person like her? His passing impacts every individual, even it it may be indirectly. I don't think the world realizes what they have so unexpectely lost.