Don't listen to those jackholes seriously!!!
Everyone, I don't care WHO you are, everyone dreams about having at least 15 minutes of fame, whether it's in showbiz like you want, or discovering a new species, or a cure to some disease, or a new mathematical proof, or whatever it is...
I was a model in the most critical part of my life (13-16) and it was very hard but I am thankful for my experiences, most girls would love to get paid for people to fawn over them and dress them up and take pictures!!! Of course, as long as you don't let them dress you down for it if you know what I mean...
but in all honesty if you want to be in skin mags it's your decision and I doubt you will achieve the kind of fame you are seeking...but alas there is a market for that and they typically favor girls with surgery, no offence but if you have large fake breasts you kind of limited your modeling options BIG TIME...
but in all reality there are what 6 or 7 billion people in the world and how many of them do you know are famous...not too many I'm assuming. It's all about what kind of a difference you can make in every individual person's life...when you start to think on the smaller scale than you expand on it later :)
You sound like you NEED to watch this movie as soon as you can, very uplifting for people with self confidence issues: