2010-11-10 16:21:55 UTC
Why can't parents be role models to their children. Why have Miley do it? I mean, parents should teach their children right from wrong; and install Morals into their brains. Miley is experiementing with her music style. If she continues to act like she was on Hannah Montana she will loose her fan base.
Maybe Demi and Selena wanna be branded as the Disney star but Miley doesn't. I'm sure you wouldn't either. People need to lay off of her. She's going through a very difficult time right now. Her parents are divorcing, her best friend Demi is in the hospital. Her boyfriend just broke up with her. That is a lot of stress on a young girl.
Do you want her to end up like Britney Spears? I don't. I love both Britney and Miley, I don't want Miley to go through what Britney went through couple years ago. Do you? Miley is only 17 years old she will be 18 years old in couple weeks. She doesn't have to babysit your children for you. You gave birth to them, you're the parent not her or any other celebrity and Disney Star.
There still a child themselves. They can't monitor your children. You need to monitor your children. I watched "Can't Be Tamed" and "Who Owns My Heart" music videos, and they aren't even as bad as: "I'm a Slave 4 U" and "Dirrty" was. My God!
If they want their children to have a good role model have them look up to Selena Gomez or be your own kids' role model. I'm 18 years old going to be 19 next month, I knew right from wrong since I was 14 years old.
Parents act like their daughters are sweet little angels when in reality they do way worse than what Miley does. Also all Miley was doing in "Who Owns My Heart" was dancing with her friends in a club. All 17 year olds sneak into clubs. Jesus! Worry about your own children quit bugging Miley!