I heard it was about a video he did about things guys like about girls and how he said he liked petite well groom girls but ended it with being yourself. I dont get why people are so mad for one hes a teenage boy and he makes dumb mistakes hes not perfect yet he gets so much bullshit for messing up in one or two videos two Why are you guys watching his video not because hes funny because hes eyecandy If he weighted 500 pounds had a neck beard and was ugly asf no one would care if he made said what he liked about a girl . You guys are just mad that he gave an answer that the average guy would respond youd think hes be some weirdo if he said i like hairy Amazonian women who smell bad what the hell was he suppose to say . All he was saying was the liked the look of that type of girl but if you really want to win a man just be you you dont have to
change your self because he said that.he likes this type of girl Nash Grier opinion doesnt matter people should stop taking it so seriously
Sorry for ranting but yea can people clarity
And fyi im not a fan what so ever its just how ppl just did a complete 180 with him
Sorry for grammar im wrting this on my phone