As horrible of a loss that it is, Michael Jackson is indeed dead.
That article about the video is lame. The red reflections are from an angled camera that caught the inside of the ambulance in which you see MJ and the side of the ambulance itself - left side of window - the camera seems to be at an angle rather than directly against the window - hence, no reflection of the anything. It is DARKENED windows, NOT mirrored windows. A darkened window would not necessarily cause a reflection in a snap shop - BUT if angled a certain way, it could catch the sun rays and cause the red to shine and cause a glare and be caught by the camera.
I have done the same thing with nature pictures that I have taken from a darkened window of birds - there is NO reflection due to the dark windows - but on occassion - if the camera is angled and there is heavy sun light, a glare of color from whatever is near will shine in and be captured. It is different from a reflection directly behind the camera or anything being seen in the window as well - as I said - there would have NOT been any direct reflections - (they mention in the article why the camera man's arm can not then be seen - why, because it was not that kind of a reflection - it was a sun glare).
Michael IS dead - stop drudging up false hopes in this - as the rumorsspread by the likes of that article couldl get back to these children of his and give them much heartache and perhaps a cruel cruel false hope that their dad is alive. If you feel bad, just imagine for one second how these children and his family feel.
Be realistic - just as Elvis is not alive, and just as Tupac is not alive, Michael Jackson is not alive. Let him rest in peace - finally. Let his children and family now live in peace as well. It is ok to talk about him and remember - or ask current actual event questions pertaining to the whole thing - but to keep spreading this nonesense and to buy into it is only putting money in the pockets of those MJ could not stand - the media. They made his life hell while he was alive with not guilt whatsoever about the lies they put out about him, why do you think this would be any different? The media is an evil and dangerous thing any more. They make and break people with their lies and deception - and make miserable, many people that do not deserve it and put on a pedastal many more who certainly do not deserve it.