How, you ask?
I imagine it might have something to do with a little incident we here in America refer to as "9/11"...
When 19 terrorists with Muslim surnames manage to kill over 3000 Americans in a terrorist attack, - those with Muslim surnames who travel to America henceforth are going to just simply have to deal with the fact that their odds for being targeted for search/questioning are greater than those with non-Muslim surnames.
Take, for example, this incident with Khan:
Though this may come as a shock to Indian movie-goers it should nonetheless be noted here that your average American probably couldn't name a single Bollywood actor even if you threatened to throw acid in their face.
In fact, until the media ran Shah Rukh Khan's tepid 'airport detention' story,... I had no clue as to who he was!
Hell, - why WOULD I?
To me, and I can only imagine to most Americans, even the 'crème de la crème' of Bollywood's movies and, by extension, its actors have reputations here which are maybe, and at best, analogous to your garden-variety, independent film productions of western countries.
Yet, it appears that East Indians are in an uproar over this Khan matter and some are displaying their outrage by, of course, burning the American flag;... a typical, if not downright hum-drum, response.
What really gives me a laugh, however, are those Indians who are suggesting that Americans traveling to their country should now be detained at Indian airports and questioned.
Now, had 19 Americans recently managed to kill 3000 East Indians in a terrorist attack on Indian soil, I could wholeheartedly support that suggestion on prudent grounds.
But to suggest doing so as an 'act of retaliation' is remarkably infantile, - even for East Indians!
Given this, I find it utterly absurd of the Indian government and their people to be offended by incidents such as these which may happen to involve 'reputable' Indians;... absurd, but not surprising.
Once again, we see that the depths of East Indian childishness is only exceeded by their woefully baseless arrogance.