Did Dinah Shore actually give birth to a Black baby?
2006-05-05 18:34:39 UTC
Did Dinah Shore actually give birth to a Black baby?
Nineteen answers:
Sudoku Player
2006-05-05 19:22:58 UTC
Ok, I remember hearing about this a long time ago, and I can't say where they got their info from, but I remember the topic in science class. It turns out she did have a black baby and the dad was very upset at first because he was white also. Well it turns out that someone in Dinah Shores ancestors was black. Over the years, their family married white leading to Dinah. After many tests, it was proven that the baby was indeed her husbands and there was nothing he could say. Its funny how generations later something like that can sneak up on you. My son was born with red hair, neither me or my husband have red hair, but my husbands great grand-mother did.
2016-09-28 10:48:38 UTC
Dinah Shore Black Baby
2016-02-29 17:03:33 UTC
Chances are it's all a rumor, but did anyone think that maybe she slept with a black man and the baby was his? Also, they did not have DNA test back then. Only blood typing which was not very good at determining paternity.
2015-12-01 05:16:50 UTC
How can it be true when she only gave birth to a girl, and ADOPTED a son. I am not racist in the least but it is said on Wikipedia that the rumor of her being part black was started by a rival singer in the 40s.
2015-12-23 15:06:34 UTC
Everyone wants to claim her as their own. However, Dinah's parents were Ashkenazi Jewish (DNA classified as Europian). It's obvious why she avoided the rumor back in the 40s and 50s -- and if you can't understand why, ask your mother.
2014-07-11 06:29:11 UTC
to put the issue to rest.... unless you fully understand genetics AND world history you might not have the full picture. even though dinah shore was from jewish parents that in no way eliminates the possibility of having a black child. since the term afro-american really didnt factor into the standards in her parents day, i cannot refer to previous lineage as such. how far back can one really go into ones family history? as a professor of medicine and a phd in molecular biology i can assure you that it could occur almost to anybody! i will of course agree that genetically it is astronomical in mathematical terms however, statistics and probability say otherwise. keep in mind the migration of early man and the evidence from mesopotamia coupled with all the conquests from the 4th millenium b.c. have you ever seen pictures of egyptians, persians, native american indians, eskimos????
2015-07-03 07:45:30 UTC
Just noting that gerilynn e describes the disclosure of Dinah Shore as being black as "digging up dirt" exposes her racist thinking whether subconscious or overt she suggests that being Black is a negative lesser race to be which is a patently racist assertion and not true, oppression does not make those subjegated of lessor worth it only casts a light of vacuous morality and ethic of the oppressor. People who are not aware of a lot of Blacks passing for White must be living under a rock. During those times you could be a proud brave Black like Lena Horne who was asked to pass or a fearful worried Black like Dinah Shore, but it is somewhat understandable the 1950's was a very difficult time for Blacks to live and thrive in the United States. Dinah Shore also sued her Black grand-daughter for declaring her relation to Dinah Shore as well. Being Black is "good stuff" gerilynn e; and frankly I will be glad when confused people the world over will finally state the obvious.....All people are descendant from Africa which was a central land mass before the continental divide, note how all continents can fit together. After this separation of land mass people evolved generation after generation having complexions and features more reflective of Gods' brilliance in that pigment is needed to protect one from the sun thus many Africans are dark and their descendants in Alaska fair. Race, religion, politics and the like we have forever been using to separate people establish class distinctions and hold on to power money and separate normative behaviors. The desire to debase a people to secure ones self worth, demonizing people as lessor, hating people who are in fact your cousins and descendants is ignorant hateful morally bereft of any value or honor.
2015-01-10 11:08:42 UTC
Have any of you ever heard of recessive genes? it can go back centuries and pull up genes that in a family

and if white or black is in your ancestry it can pop up,whether ur parents or black or white. check out just

2014-12-02 10:30:27 UTC
Try watching the show "Finding your Roots" on PBS. They explain a lot of the information now available with DNA testing. Fascinating stuff and you might be surprised what shows up in your DNA profile
2016-08-08 21:01:17 UTC
So what if she did. Hope the baby was treated like it should have been and the race does not matter at all, just the baby
gerilynn e
2014-11-07 23:17:17 UTC
You hear all kinds of rumors down thru the years. We always heard that one of her parents were black, & she sued them for it, long time back. I doubt that any of it's true. It wouldn't matter. what difference does it make?If your trying to dig up "dirt", you can always do that, try digging up some good stuff positive stuff instead.
2017-02-18 01:46:56 UTC
I am 73 years old and remember this very well. She did have colored blood in her, and when her husband found out he left her. Very big deal at the time, but today who cares.
Carol Ferguson
2016-06-24 13:48:20 UTC
I have always understood that the birth of the baby boy (black) is the reason for their divorce (Dinah Shore & George Montgomery) and later she sued her mother for not telling her of her own grandmother being black. This later was proven that George M was actually the babies father. What I would like to know is what ever happened to this baby boy? Their is no shame in this except, for the fact they never really accepted him and therefore he just disappeared, George M from what I have heard never accepted him as his son. It surely wasn't this childs fault, He is a gift from the Lord as are all of our children..
2014-02-26 02:45:33 UTC
This rumour is completely ridiculous and patently false. There's simply no way for the late great singer to have black ancestry ANYWHERE as both her parents were Jews from Russia who immigrated to the US before 1916 together as a married couple. Dinah's maternal family name is Stein.
2016-03-29 02:04:07 UTC
For the best answers, search on this site

Yes she did and she herself is black!
2015-10-11 04:33:02 UTC
A baby is a baby no matter what color it is.
2016-05-06 22:27:20 UTC
If you stop talking about racism, it will go away., easy....why can't you people love....
2006-05-05 18:46:19 UTC
it couldn't be a black baby because Dinah Shore is a Caucasian
2015-03-18 21:46:11 UTC
This is true. Search it out. I did.

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