I am so obsessed with Selena Gomez ... I don't know why ... but I can't get her out of my mind ! I'm thinking of her 24/7 .. I can't even learn for for school properly . This Obsession brought to me good things and bad things : Good : When the obsession started a few time ago I was close to schooldroopout(I was going to school just and staying in the class just to play on mobile phone and alk to friend) but when got this Obsession I realized that if I want to have the litlest chance to meet selena I needed school for money so now I'm betwen the best in my class at most of the time . Plus I liked her since she first appeared in Hannah Montana , so my atraction to her isn't just hormonal be cause now she got some nice boobies and *** . I Just LOVED her song and videoclip "Tell me something I don't know" and her chest is pretty flat there so can't be hormonal , so the second good thing is that I dont look to girls with only the biggest boobs , I look for the cute ones , like Selena :) . The bad stuff is that I can't her out of my mind and I strugle hard to learn and be normal . The 2nd bad thing is that When I watch the cute slideshows with her or her on tv or her movies/music videos I start crying realizing I'll never meet her face 2 face . =(( I had the same obsession few months ago maybe 1 year but i got rid of it in few weeks . Now it started again , it appeared more precisely when I saw the GIFs on Celeb Jihad with her , then started watching all her music videos and loved them more than ever . But after my first obsession passed I was watching her music videos on TV , her show but everything was normal ... I was a rnomal fan . But now ... I told you . I can't get her out of my mind . I can't get anything to distract me , I almost deleted a game I play for months just to have more time for her . And I tought that may be if I'll talk to her on with webcams may be ill feel better , If I confess to her all this stuff . Or may be at least chat . So please give me a cure and a way to chat with her ... Please!
PS:I've seen here a girl that was obsessed too and a guy put a photo and asked if she's turned on by it ... I AM TURNED ON by every of her photo includ 14-16 years old ones when not so perky boobs. Just by her CUTE face .
I am 14 year old male in last year of primary school