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See this fustrates me about people, they don't even know anything about Britney. They listen to the media and make judgements. I'm sure if the media said "Amy Winehouse doesnt do drugs, shes a little angel", they'd believe it. In a world with many sexually motivated males, the only way you will make it as a singer/celebrity is to have Sex Appeal. How did Miley become famous? Release half nude pics. How did Kim Kardashian become famous? Release a sex tape. Show a little skin, and your bound to become famous some how. Name one A list celebrity who hasnt shown skin? Hard ay? Im so sick of people calling Britney a slut. Notice its the females calling her a slut mostly? And the occasional in the closet gay? Females are jealous of the attention Britney recieves, and she doesnt even have to look for it. Britney IS NOT an attention seeker. She has never had a normal life, shes always had some sort of camera FORCED into her face. Shes a normal human being, and people need to start treating her like one. Is Britney getting paid to have sex with someone? No! Is she having sex with multiple partners all the time? No! Does she have public sex? No! So how does anybody have ANY evidence that shes a slut? They dont. I'm sorry that this world has such a low self esteem that they result in targeting others. You are all very sad, once you all are 100% perfect, then you may have the right to accuse Britney of being a slut, until then... shut your effing pie holes and start to work on improving your own flaws before you find Britney's. Oh and @ the person who said somthing like "every time britney makes an album she says its her comeback". WTF? Firstly, Britney stated in her documentry "I don't like it when people say its a comeback album, because I never went any where", the MEDIA have stated that her most recent album is a comeback, not Britney herself. If she had control over what is said in the media, you wouldnt be sitting at a computer calling her a slut right now. Secondly, they have only said "Its a comeback" on ONE album and thats her Circus album. Get your facts right, honey! @ The person who stated "Shes a hoe because she sings about threesomes and is butt ugly". Does Britney have a say in the songs she sings? No she doesnt. No wonder shes gone a little off the rails, she has no control over ANYTHING in her life whatsoever. Her father and producer does, they chose for her to sing the song "Three". You just proved my theory about the "in the closet" or proud gays bagging Britney. If you say shes butt ugly, your gay. Are you a model? Are you gorgeous? Don't think so. If you were you wouldnt be sitting at a comp bagging on Britney Spears. Who are you to call Britney butt ugly? Jealous Homosexual you are :)