I am incredibly sad... I didn't even know he was ill! I have pretty much everything Apple has made, and I wasn't nearly as enthusiastic about owning computers or gadgets until I began buying Apple products. Part of Jobs' ingenuity is that he made our technology fun! After being resigned to boring, humdrum Windoze for years, I finally took a chance on my first MacBook about a decade ago. No more errors, no viruses, no repairs needed, MacBooks are just pure fun. I cannot explain WHY I enjoy the things that once burdened me, like writing papers, working, answering email, but perhaps the seamless and intuitive OS has something to do with it.
Apple production of iPods, iPhones, then iPads was an exciting time. It's as if Steve Jobs had taken technology, turned it around and made it fun again, like it was when we were kids playing video games. He gave us our toys back again! :) I loved the anticipation of guessing what features the next iPod or iPhone would have, or what gadget Mr Jobs would dream up next!
I doubt there will be another Steve Jobs... He was a once in a century innovator. I hope someone else comes along to make things new and exciting for us again. RIP, Steve Jobs!