What will you remember most about Robin Williams?
Yahoo Answers Team
2014-08-11 16:23:15 UTC
Veteran film and television comedic actor Robin Williams was found dead on Monday. He was 63.

The cause of death is believed to be suicide via asphyxiation, according to the coroner’s office.

RIP Robin Williams. One of our favorite actors...
403 answers:
2014-08-12 06:01:09 UTC
Although he will be remembered for his brilliant dramatic and comedic work, I will remember the time I met him in Los Angeles in 1981. I don't say this to brag, for at the time he was hardly a star yet, having only "Mork & Mindy" as his claim to fame. But what I remember is special to me, because I saw the 'man,' and not the 'actor.'

He was a quiet gentleman, who had a crush on my cousin. We were at a club and he invited my cousin and me to a party afterward. Once we were there, he withdrew into his own world, probably due to the alcohol and cocaine addiction (which he has admitted to publicly).

I was in the same place back then, as most everyone else was who lived in L.A. in the 1980's. I kicked the habit, as did he, and thankfully his conquering it led to some of the world's greatest films, which may not have been so great had he not starred in them. Mrs. Doubtfire, Dead Poets Society and Patch Adams are my favorites.

In the few hours I spent with him, I saw the soul of a man who was genuine, unique, caring, sensitive, and if I may, perhaps a troubled soul searching to light up the darkness with his genius talent and humor. And, that he did.
2014-08-12 05:58:56 UTC
I will remember that he was a great person. He was very talented at being in involved in both comedy and drama. In real life he also seemed to have a very lively spirit that would make anyone smile. He is the definition of what it means to be alive. It's still so sad to hear the way that he died though. The worlds getting really messed up. Rest in peace Robin, you were one of the greatest human beings God ever made.
2014-08-12 01:01:14 UTC
A genuinely decent man gone to soon.

Unfortunately I didn't care for his type of comedy or acting,not saying he wasn't good at what he did just not for me.Williams always appeared nervous and uncomfortable in his own skin,this is proof that no matter what you have in life monetarily or loved ones you'll leave behind and devastated,uncontrolled depression can lead to suicide.

May you rest in peace Robin Williams,a peace you couldn't find here on earth and may God bless & be with your family during the difficult times.
2014-08-13 14:23:05 UTC
I'll remember what a beautiful talent he had for being able to play that big of variety of roles, and for getting into Julliard College. I loved being able to grow up with him through movies. It's a dream of mine to get into Julliard and it's very hard to get in, when I found he got into to it, I looked up to him even more.

I've also struggled with depression and most people always say that it'll go away after your teen years, but this shocked me so much because he lived the american dream of fame, money, a great family, etc. You would think he was the happiest man alive. I guess it shocked me and it made me face the reality that I may have to deal with depression for the rest of my life, no matter what I do.

Robin Williams was a great person from all the generous stories I've heard about him. Depression SUCKS, and I'm so sorry that it became to much to handle or control. He didn't deserve to be stuck with depression and neither does anyone. I hope if there is an afterlife that he's in a better place now, because he deserves it. He had a big influence on many people, from laughs, to fun movies, to tears. Rest in peace Robin.
We left and returned!
2014-08-11 18:22:11 UTC
Hang on a second, please. I am too shocked by this news to formulate decent answer.

What I will remember about Robin is his infectious grinning face that could lift the spirits of everyone during any public or screen performance, and the melancholy deadpan face he could put on that would draw you into his mind in an effort to think what HE was thinking, and created the sense of a personal human bond with millions of us.

Rest In Peace, Robin.

I'll put in a good word for you.

Nanu Nanu.
Chris the 4th
2014-08-13 02:19:17 UTC
Far too many. He is a man I wish I could of met. He was in my top 3 men I wanted to meet in my life. Does anyone else feel like every time someone leaves this earth, it leaves a hole and the world is a little less interesting? It happens obviously with loved ones the most but still sad to be in a world missing people I grew up watching and respecting.
2014-08-11 18:50:34 UTC
Wow... This post just told me he was dead.. Wow, I'm actually sort of saddened by his death.. I'll remember that he had the most unique form of acting.. A quirky man who seem like he could whirl himself out of any situation in a comedic sense.. I think the first movie I saw of his was either Flubber or Bicentennial Man.. He did have great charisma ,and screen presence.. R.I.P Mr. Williams..
2015-12-20 07:32:08 UTC
I loved being able to grow up with him through movies. It's a dream of mine to get into Julliard and it's very hard to get in, when I found he got into to it, I looked up to him even more.

I've also struggled with depression and most people always say that it'll go away after your teen years, but this shocked me so much because he lived the american dream of fame, money, a great family, etc. You would think he was the happiest man alive. I guess it shocked me and it made me face the reality that I may have to deal with depression for the rest of my life, no matter what I do.
2014-08-18 06:12:38 UTC
can I say everything? The movie that I will remember him the most was his role as a robot I love what he said there when he was asked why he wanted to be a human. It just made me want to live and love more of my life despite of all the bad things that I want to forget in my life R.I.P. Robin Williams I really hope that you find your happiness and we will be forever thankful for sharing your joy and wisdom to all of us thank you so much :,)
2014-08-13 20:46:31 UTC
I will remember him by his choice to make others happy while he wasn't happy himself. His willingness to do anything if it'll make one person, 3 year olds or 90 year olds, to laugh. His visits to people suffering from illnesses in hospitals just bring a little brightness to their souls. He was Robin Williams and there will never be a man quite like him.
2014-08-11 22:39:09 UTC
There isn't any particular movie or television show I remember with Robin Williams. All I remember about him was that he knew how to make any audience laugh. I thought he was such a merry soul, and that's why I believe the news of his sudden and tragic passing came as such a shock to all of us. It crushes me to think that a man who made so many happy was truly so depressed inside. Rest in peace, and my deepest condolences to him.
2014-08-11 17:21:47 UTC
I remember him from everything. I can't just pin down one thing he did: Robin kept me thoroughly entertained and spellbound, whether it be the Genie in Aladdin, Adrian Cronauer in Good Morning Vietnam, or Sean Maguire in Good Will Hunting.

If you ask most people to name something about Robin Williams, I guarantee the first thing will be "Mork and Mindy".

The singer Gilbert O'Sullivan summed death up beautifully in his song "Lost a friend".

"When you read about somebody special, who has met an untimely end, although you didn't even know them personally, feels like you lost a friend."

How true.
2015-10-31 08:21:19 UTC
Wow, I'm actually sort of saddened by his death.. I'll remember that he had the most unique form of acting.. A quirky man who seem like he could whirl himself out of any situation in a comedic sense.. I think the first movie I saw of his was either Flubber or Bicentennial Man.. He did have great charisma ,and screen presence.. R.I.P Mr. Williams..
2014-08-11 16:30:30 UTC
Flubber was my original answer, however it's not true. I don't remember Robin Williams for just one movie, I remember him for bringing light hearted comedy, to dark places, I will remember him for helping people come out of suicide, by bringing happiness and laughter into their life. I'm sorry we couldn't help you Mr. Williams.

May Robin Williams Rest in Peace. Hearts go out to his family and loved ones. It's always sad to hear that a beloved personality has passed on, it's tragic to hear that depression has lead to ones suicide.

If anyone has any ideas of committing suicide, please know that there are good people there to help you through it, and people do love you, no matter what you've done or haven't done. There are people here to help

Your movies and charisma will be remembered forever. Thanks for the gifts you brought everyone.


Yale student who adored your films
2014-08-16 20:35:54 UTC
I will always remember him as my favorite comedian and actor and an overall amazing person. Even though I didn't personally know him, he always put a smile on my face and I'm very grateful to him for that. Thank you, Robin Williams. RIP.
Seccotine, reporter
2014-08-12 23:12:43 UTC
"We f**k them", Robin Williams hugging Matt Damon in the movie Will Hunting, at the end of the therapy, succesfully relieving him of his past of child bullying.

No actor could touch me so personal, even more than River Phoenix directed by Gus van Sant, and being a comic genius at the same time.
2014-08-12 08:52:32 UTC
Henry Winkler may have been cool as The Fonz, but Robin Williams gave him a run for his money in _Happy Days_.
2014-08-11 17:27:50 UTC
The quick and witty one liners, the Genie in Aladdin, Peter in Hook, and Mrs. Doubtfire. How one man could be so many faces, places, and memories is mind boggling. I will truly miss him but always enjoy his classic and timeless performances. Rest In Peace, Mr. Robin Williams.
2014-08-11 19:19:34 UTC
I liked all of his movies(for the most part) especially Mrs. Doubtfire. But, one movie comes to mind... Hook. I would watch this over and over when I was young... I still can't believe he is dead, I have just recently been watching a lot of his movies, or movies he was in for some reason. (robots, hook, Mrs. Doubtfire, and I also searched for some on Netflix)
fei fei surf
2014-08-12 17:08:56 UTC
His smile, his energy, his wit, and sincerity. Growing up, I loved his movies, namely Aladdin, Jumanji, and Dead Poets Society. He was really good in the Birdcage. Seriously, as a kid watching it on tv I was captivated by his performance, wondering "Who is this man?." Not many actors have caused me to have such admiration (and laughter!). I'm saddened that he was tormented so much that he committed suicide. RIP.
2014-08-14 17:15:24 UTC
His one hour interview by James Lipton on Inside the Actors Studio was about the funniest thing I've ever seen.
2014-08-11 19:38:33 UTC
Hello! I remember the heartwarming tale of Euvegenia Doubtfire. Oh not only did she care for the Smithe family, but she brought love and happy memories to my family. I will miss you Robin. I hope life is good for you in Heaven. From your Whose Line is it Anyway skit, "Surely you must be the son of God!" R.I.P. my friend. The Earth is not complete without you.
2014-08-12 03:25:37 UTC
The Dead poets society ,where Robin Williams was standing on the desk shouting "Captain , oh my captain."

Gang, There is professional mental help out there. many places work on a sliding scale fee.
2014-08-11 19:11:38 UTC
I loved him in Mrs. Doubtfire, Hook, an dAladdin, as well as Good Will Hunting. RIP Robin. Keep on making people laugh in Heaven!
2014-08-12 15:30:53 UTC
He was an amazing actor especially in Good Will Hunting. I don't have TV so I didn't know All of his stuff was amazing The first show that was my favorite was Mork and Mindy.
A.C. 007 the Panther
2014-08-11 16:29:21 UTC
Mrs. Doubtfire. I love that Movie! I'm so sorry Robin :'-(
2014-08-11 16:51:19 UTC
I'd heard recently that he was back in rehab or sad.

One of my favourite movies happens to be one of his, and not a lot of people have seen it: Bicentennial Man. Storyline was on some levels preposterous (a robot becoming human), but I realized the guy was funny AND could act when I saw him in this. Great cast and score...will be watching it tonight...
2014-08-11 22:29:42 UTC
The Fisher King-- a fantastic performance in a brilliant film.

Also his stand up sketch as a Jock inventing golf. Wet trousers time.
2014-08-11 20:05:09 UTC
On Johnny Carson as guest host. One of the first I can't pin down the date. Burt Reynolds and Cheryl Ladd were the guests. I laughed till in tears. Burt shaved half his mustache.Robin wore that arrow through his head.
2014-08-11 18:01:47 UTC
Lovely guy, have great childhood memories of him. My favourite movie with him was Jumanji. RIP Robin Williams.
2014-08-12 07:23:41 UTC
Mr. Williams had a great heart, and it breaks mine to learn he's dead. I love his performance in Jumanji, Mork, Mrs. Doubtfire, and many other films where he is treasured in my heart. He was a great man, a funny man, and a good man. The world will miss him.
2014-08-11 17:22:09 UTC
How fast he thought of one liners and could ad lib any situation. He could take a common household object handed to him at random. Make it into a comedy routine in seconds. Good Morning Vietnam was the funniest movie ever.
2014-08-12 11:03:53 UTC
I loved how he played Peter Pan in the movie Hook. I also how he played Genie in Aladdin.

We're losing a lot of iconic actors lately.
2014-08-12 04:38:13 UTC
A tormented soul who through his art, gave happiness and hope to

others looking for a better day. Thank you for your contribution to

the smile Robin. For that you will always be missed.
2014-08-11 18:31:10 UTC
Mork & Mindy

Mrs. Doubtfire
2014-08-11 21:00:57 UTC
Mrs. Doubtfire, Dead Poets Society, Aladdin, Flubber...

Too many things to name, really.
2014-08-16 13:16:14 UTC

Genie you are finally free!

RIP Robin Williams
Re Vera
2014-08-13 08:07:27 UTC
First seeing him on Mork & Mindy on Nick at Night as a kid. Then Aladdin, then Dead Poet's Society. Yeah, I know that one came out before Aladdin, but that's the order I saw them in.

Looking back I think I'll remember him best in that movie as John Keating, the English teacher trying to get boys to think and act like men, to find their place in the world with all its travail and tragedy and to make their mark upon it. I'll remember him as O Captain, My Captain, encouraging us to think, to question, to strive, to find our own voice.
2014-08-12 02:06:06 UTC
Around 1984 I was visiting with friend in Los Angeles, and we went to the comedy club Improv to see Billy Crystal, who was about to leave L.A. for New York to work on Saturday Night Live. There was a lot of excitement in the air and we are certainly expecting a great show. By surprise, during Crystal's stand-up act, Robin Williams appeared and joined him on stage. For the next 45 minutes these two Really Funny Guys did ad-hoc improv sketches, and the one I remember most is when they both started acting like old Jewish men (their grandfathers?) and were absolutely hilarious. I laughed so much I ached for DAYS afterward, and can never forget that great night of comedy.
2014-08-12 08:55:25 UTC
Some great movies.

I actually preferred his serious roles.

As the psycho in "One hour photo" and "Awakenings"for instance.

Also he had a small part as a lonely guy in the Christmas movie "Noel" that I try to watch every year.A pleasant film. Paul Walker was also in it.Sadly gone too.
2014-08-13 05:12:29 UTC
Good Will Hunting :3
2014-08-17 07:35:11 UTC
He is one of the only men that could make me cry with his acting. I'm so sorry he had to decrease his pain with drugs and in the end he failed and killed himself supposedly. Being famous and even making people laugh wouldn't make you happy. I'll always remember his smiling face against everything and I'll myself try to smile no matter what .
2014-08-11 17:41:43 UTC
First being introduced to himof Happy Days.

He's done some truly memorable things in his life.
2014-08-17 23:34:09 UTC
A very good man. I remember having a laughing fit through Mrs Doubtfire so that is my memory.
2014-08-11 19:11:55 UTC
His first HBO special

His albums (Reality, what a concept...)


He could keep the comedy coming. Something a lot of comedians and shows spoof on of late. But he was improv on steroids.
carlos l
2014-08-11 18:17:43 UTC
i'll remember mork and mindy...patch adams and a movie that kinda creeped me out one hour photo.

RIP robin williams
2014-08-11 21:03:24 UTC
Honestly all of his work was amazing to me, but mostly his work in the Dead Poet's Society. That movie changed my outlook on life I will always remember him and the person who showed it to me. Rest in peace oh captain, my captain.
Sliding W/ Reality
2014-08-13 09:48:56 UTC
Plenty of People use to tell me I look like him! The way he looked in the mid 90s is the way I looked in the late 80s!
2014-08-12 08:37:35 UTC
How he had the power to make so many people laugh, and cry. An awesome talent.

Thank you Robin Williams RIP.
2014-08-11 22:49:17 UTC
Probably Mrs. Doubtfire

It was an amazing film.
2014-08-12 07:15:13 UTC
I watched many of his movies when I was a little kid. The one thing I will remember is how I always felt a connection to his heart when I watched each movie. His movies were always my favorites because of that.
2014-08-17 06:05:53 UTC
2014-08-15 21:15:14 UTC
His movie Patch Adams
2014-08-11 21:21:16 UTC
He was funny in so many movies, but he could also be an amazing serious actor at the same time!
2014-08-16 13:59:31 UTC
2014-08-16 07:38:30 UTC
Mrs. Doubtfire without a doubt... All his movies are historical and what make him a legand... Such raw talent is rare and he will always be remembered as the funny actor who always made us laugh and abruptly made us cry...
2014-08-12 05:20:14 UTC
What will i remember most about Robin Williams? Mrs. Doubtfire!

RIP Robin
2014-08-17 01:22:15 UTC
His talent, Mork and Mindy, his blue eyes,he always mad me laugh, Mrs Doughtfire, Genie from aladdin,9 months the movie.
2014-08-12 07:59:48 UTC
mrs.doubtfire! that movie made me laugh so hard! i still cant believe such a great comedic would die so suddenly... RIP Robin Williams
Tushar Avishek Tamoghnaw Das
2014-08-11 21:10:58 UTC
Dead poets society
2014-08-12 00:07:08 UTC
Wow that's terrible. Such an amazing talent he was. I am completely shocked by this news. It just goes to show you that you never know what's going on behind closed doors in someone's life and what they are facing and dealing with. This great, beautiful talent who brought many smiles to my, my family, and many others faces will be truly missed. I can't say it enough, truly shocked.

My favorite film from him was definitely Patch Adams. I clearly remember watching that movie over and over and over. It truly resonated with me. Such a touching movie about the importance of impacting lives through laughter and bonding. And also jumanji. One of my favorite movies of the 90's.

RIP Robin Williams.
2014-08-11 19:56:20 UTC
Mork and Mindy and how I thought he was the last person on earth to expect to commit suicide! RIP you were great....
2014-08-13 01:51:35 UTC
Good will hunting is very nice.A man who is gentle as well as unquestionable,a weary soul tormented by the death of his wife,but yet he still gives people hope.
2014-08-11 19:47:10 UTC
I just opened my iPad and in yahoo answers I found the news of a tragic and sad news of Robin Williams death.He was a very good actor and he brought smiles to so many faces.It is unbelievable to see him go like this.I am sad.Rest in peace Robin Williams.
2014-08-11 18:45:25 UTC
Mrs Doubtfire and Good Will Hunting. He will be sadly missed.
Carbonox Ratchet
2014-08-29 21:58:35 UTC
I always remember him being the Genie of the lamp from Disney's Aladdin.
2014-08-12 07:33:26 UTC
Laughter's Legend Remembered/Rt/ Laughter's nonstop/Everyone heard/ Will reign/The memory/ Robin's humble/Heartfelt welcome/ Everyday spoken/ On first basis/ Only remembered/Always cheerful/But underneath/interior belief/However said/ Plentiful time/ Go far no further/Was Robin's /Quest began/ Was he truly fulfilled/ Life;s journey / With Christ's love/Healing hummingbird/ Will you return/ Quickly get help
2014-08-11 16:25:46 UTC
Mrs. Doubtfire....I love that movie! RIP Robin
2014-08-17 13:13:03 UTC
I cried when i heard the news.My grandfather looks just like him and has got the same infectious laughter and humor so i he will be remembered every day in my family.

His eyes smiling..
2014-08-12 07:37:44 UTC
Fisher King
2014-08-16 12:49:31 UTC
I remember so smiles of a lot of many childrens that watching his movies.
2014-08-17 09:37:55 UTC
Dead poet society. Goodwill hunting and Mrs. Doubtfie
2014-08-16 22:20:26 UTC
My teacher just showed us Mork And Mindy. I started to fall in love with that vid.
2014-08-11 18:28:48 UTC
Flubber, Mrs. Doutfire, just to name a few. He had a lot of memorable performances.
Gracie Ann
2014-08-16 17:59:11 UTC
His roles in August Rush and Jumanji!
2014-08-12 09:48:05 UTC
Dreams May Come, RV, and Jumanji. :(

Also the fact that he's one of the best actors EVER... ;(
2014-08-17 18:22:12 UTC
Aladdin bruh
2014-08-12 12:46:04 UTC
Just an amazing and loving man, above the acting.
2014-08-17 11:10:19 UTC
Mrs. Doughbyfire. Sorry I prolly didnt spell that right. He was making all us laugh but hes now in heaven making god laugh ♡
2014-08-11 20:08:51 UTC
Aladdin, the Genie was so awesome. I'll miss Robin so much.
2014-08-16 15:04:34 UTC
Mrs Doubtfire. So sad. Well at least he left this evil world or should I say people.
2014-08-11 21:56:36 UTC
for the fact that he gave us all laughter in our lives ..

R.I.P Robin Williams,you will be sadly missed
Eddie Vaquero
2014-08-12 05:39:37 UTC
What will I remember most about Robin Williams? I can answer in two words:


R.I.P. Robin Williams.
2014-08-13 11:35:05 UTC
That he killed himself. He had lost hope and without Hope the spirit of death enters the body.
Rachael Boyden
2014-08-18 01:44:18 UTC
His impersonation of a hot dog.<3 loved his movies!
2014-08-11 17:03:42 UTC
Seeing him around the neighborhood where I live. He was very nice man. He came from this area (Tiburon)
2014-08-12 09:58:08 UTC
i will remember the movies he was in. Like RV and ms. doubfire, lisence to wed. I am going to miss everything about him
2014-08-11 20:53:57 UTC
Him showing up to make Sharon Osbourne feel better when she was dealing with cancer. I thought it was amazingly sweet for him to take time from his day to try and make her happy.
2014-08-17 19:23:39 UTC
His gentle he could make us laugh in healing ways...his love of Slinky the he was part of my family growing up watching him on tv...coming of age with his movies......oh captain my captain....God rest his soul and keep him.
2014-08-14 15:00:42 UTC
da man
2014-08-13 23:40:09 UTC
When I was a kid I went to see Popeye.he was great
2014-08-15 19:29:13 UTC
Good Morning Viet Nam is the first thing that comes to mind, RW was so awesome in that!
jordan' disciple
2014-08-15 11:41:51 UTC
Mrs Doubtfire
2014-08-15 07:39:27 UTC
I was truly upset over this...

I'll remember what a good soul he was and how he was devoted to make us all laugh.

He made my childhood magical and I hope he finally found the peace he was looking for.
2014-08-14 23:40:49 UTC
That's a good question but let me go off topic for a little bit. For the last 3-4 months i've been earning $400/day cheating at online roulette. There's a step-by-step video guide on youtube that taught me how. Check it out:
2014-08-14 23:37:53 UTC
On the one hand, I don't really believe the suicide, if it is true, I hope whatever demons he suffered from are gone. But just as his wife said, don't dwell on the aspects of his death, remember his life. From Aladdin to hook to jumanji, my childhood was molded from classic screen gems and he was one of the funniest ever. I'll have have a friend like him.
Experto Credo
2014-08-14 20:18:19 UTC
What a decent guy he was.

In September 1985, I was backstage at Comedy Day in the Park, an event sponsored by the San Fran Chronicle but helmed by Robin. It was held at the Golden Gate Park Bandshell that year. I performed in it and I was at the pizza tent, pigged out with other comedians. As I left the tent, I physically was run into by Robin, who scurried around all day long, making sure everything went smoothly. I grasped hold of him so we both would not fall over. When we righted ourselves, before I broke the clinch, I said "We've got to stop meeting like this."

He responded "I've had better." We let go and he hurried on his way. That was even better then when I spoke to Dylan.
2014-08-14 16:30:16 UTC
Tad Dubious
2014-08-14 13:00:23 UTC
He was once riffing on Carson, shifted in to Shakespeare mode, and so, "Lo! The moon hangs low - like a testicle in the sky."
2014-08-14 11:16:16 UTC
The one in which he molests a teenage girl and later kills her because she laughed at him.

Al-Pachino kills him
2014-08-13 16:49:52 UTC
My most favorite memory of Robin Williams is when he played the voice of the genie in the Aladin Disney film. I love the part when he sing the song when he turn Abu into a camel and then he says "watch out he spits." I like that part. It was the first song I learned from that movie.
2014-08-13 16:43:39 UTC
Mrs.Doubtfire. Rest in Peace Robin.
2014-08-13 14:47:08 UTC
Mrs. Doubtfire
2014-08-13 14:19:50 UTC
His voices, especially the speaded up record one and his voice as Popeye.

Mrs. Doubtfire. He played such a lovely soul as both the father who wanted to be with his kids and as Mrs. D.

And Popeye. The Spinach eating Sailor was my cartoon hero, so anyone playing him had a high bar to jump - and Robin jumped it.

He was a man who gave us so much joy. I wish so much that we could have given some joy to him.
2014-08-13 13:40:01 UTC
Movie The Bicentennial Man ;_; R.I.P Robin Williams
2014-08-13 13:20:45 UTC
THE "Red Blooded American Boy"

An image of Him that comes to my mind is ; in 2001, wearing a Tshirt saying "ohobba New Yourk! (I love New York!)

As for His humor - Who voted Him "13th of the 100 funniest ever!?"

Prove He was not the 1st
2014-08-13 12:36:30 UTC
I'll always remember he was truly an actor, he was funny, he could be serious, he was Genie, Mrs Doubtfire, Peter. He's a legend and I'll miss him
2014-08-13 12:33:57 UTC
Mrs. Doubtfire and Good Morning Vietnam. I first saw him on Mork and Mindy and asked my parents who the actor was. RIP Robin Williams :(
Common Sense
2014-08-13 06:11:56 UTC
I will remember that when a celebrity does something, everyone pays attention. So, hopefully, depression/mental illness will finally be recognized and treated with respect, not disgrace.

I never knew him personally, but he was a charming actor with whom I have laughed with for decades.
Fell In Love
2014-08-12 22:30:23 UTC
what an amazing, hilarious actor he was and how good he made the movies he appeared in were
Christopher Barnes
2014-08-12 22:09:54 UTC
I was just watching his stand up from 2002 a few weeks ago. Back in like October or November last year is when I discovered him (I'm only 18) I was watching the other stand up comedy; it was the recent one he did. Really funny guy. You know when I heard the news yesterday I was thinking it had to be another celebrity named Robin Williams. Wrong, but eh it's whatever.
2014-08-14 16:28:45 UTC
That he was an actor.
2014-08-14 15:12:12 UTC
That no one remembers Lauren Bacall and all the wonderful things she did.
2014-08-14 11:25:20 UTC
2014-08-14 10:32:30 UTC
His talent, his Peter Pan image, RIP Robin
2014-08-14 06:04:49 UTC
The nanny.
2014-08-13 21:42:54 UTC
someone should have told him bankruptcy is not the end of the world he still has his human capital I'm sure after bankruptcy he would have been back a millionaire in no time.
2014-08-13 19:40:24 UTC
Good Will Hunting
2014-08-13 19:08:10 UTC
2014-08-13 18:11:16 UTC
:( rip
2014-08-13 11:14:19 UTC
mrs doubtfire
2014-08-13 10:21:46 UTC
All of Mrs. Doubtfire! I loved that movie and if you are a true 90s baby you grew up to his movies. RIP Robin Williams! <3
2014-08-13 08:36:47 UTC
I will miss looking forward to his next great performance.He truly was a remarkable man and actor.I hope he realized how many people he inspired, I truly hope you found peace Robin,you will be sadly missed.
2014-08-13 08:06:31 UTC
I will remember his positive attitude to the life what i hope transformed in to movies....
2014-08-13 02:54:39 UTC
I will remember his roll in the movie Aladdin he was very funny and his part in happy feet 2
2014-08-12 23:04:26 UTC
His ability to make us laugh; he was a great actor; it is sad as to what happened to him.
2014-08-12 17:40:49 UTC
2014-08-12 17:18:30 UTC
What precisely I may take into account related to Robin is certainly this infectious smiling widely skin that will boost any state of mind of everyone all through all general population or simply television screen results, and also melancholy deadpan skin she may well apply to which would get everyone towards this thought process small company isn't always believe that what precisely SHE was initially wondering, together with generated any feel associated with a unique our come together utilizing many individuals.
2014-08-12 16:20:37 UTC
You cant remember one thing about such a great actor, everything shall be remembered about that saint
2014-08-12 14:44:37 UTC
Mrs Doubtfire,R.I.P <3
2014-08-12 13:08:29 UTC
I remember Robin Williams as being among one of the great human beings the world has lost. Many amazing human beings are lost every day. While sick devilish 'humans' remain with us.
2014-08-14 19:42:35 UTC
Once the petition accrued over 10,000 signatures, someone tweeted the Blizzard team to apply for a role for Williams.
2014-08-14 11:17:28 UTC
That he often seemed to be under the influence of street drugs.
2014-08-13 19:09:02 UTC
He made the best child hood films and was such a kind man to everyone. He had that smile that brought out the life in his eyes. If someone could comment me I want to know this movie Robin Williams was in. There was a car accident and Robin Williams played the guy who died and he was in this sort of heaven, a heaven of his creation. His goal was to reach out to his wife with a painting. Anyone know what movie this is, I would really like to watch it to honor Robin Williams. I'm sorry if I'm asking a question within a question.
2014-08-13 15:36:57 UTC
His acting in "One Hour Photo"
2014-08-13 13:21:07 UTC
i will remember him for everything.
2014-08-13 11:05:19 UTC
Everything, he was my entire childhood i am so hurt that he is gone. He was seriously one of the best actors.
2014-08-13 10:45:51 UTC
The fact that he killed himself.
2014-08-13 08:44:14 UTC
There is so much to remember, from Mork and Mindy to Aladdin. He was a great comedic actor, but also a very talented straight actor. He was so versitile in his talents he will be missed by all sorts of people. And don't judge him for commiting Suicide: Until you know what's going on in someone's head, you can't judge. Mental demons are no respector of wealth and fame. The well to do can be just as afflicted by depression as a poor person. I pray for him and his family, and hope G-d gives them all peace.
2014-08-13 03:54:30 UTC
his good heart :(
2014-08-13 02:07:44 UTC
Ill remember nine months " You are not a baboon"i can't believe he's gone
Joseph the Second
2014-08-12 21:53:26 UTC
That He could make You Laugh- even when You didn't feel like It... -Like now. ;)
2014-08-12 17:32:30 UTC
To put it simple, he was funny and made people laugh.
2014-08-12 17:13:42 UTC
nancy b
2014-08-12 13:06:18 UTC
I remember that my family and I would watch his movie, Birdcage. It was always one of my favorite movies and he was always someone I looked up to. I remember that in my elementary school yearbook we had to write the person we most admired. I wrote Robin Williams. But for the thing that I will remember most about him, is that he can always cheer somebody up and make someone laugh. I have "known" him since I was little and it is hard to believe that he will never make anything new. It is weird to think he is gone. I love Robin Williams and always will.

R.I.P. Robin and Goodbye, we will all miss you.
2014-08-12 11:21:49 UTC
Robin in "What Dreams May Come" and "Good Morning Vietnam" and you seldom see much about the former which was a great one. Being found unconscious does not necessarily mean suicide and more facts are needed on that issue. I grieve along with all his other fans.
2014-08-12 10:57:52 UTC
His funniness
2014-08-12 10:45:55 UTC
I preferred him in Mork and Mindy, having heard how he got that job, but what I respect the most about him was his intelligence. One could say ANYTHING to him and he could immediately come up with an obscure relation to something else and make that into comedy. THAT is an unlearned talent.
E = Mc²
2014-08-12 10:28:02 UTC
Due to the asphyxiation of himself, most likely his bipolar disorder, unfortunately.
2014-08-12 09:05:40 UTC
I remember how he brought broken families together and mended most of it by giving everyone moments of laughter. He was present in our solitude... Love him forever.
2014-08-12 07:44:33 UTC
Mork from Ork - set the tone of what was going to hit the TV and movie world!

His ability to improvise is unsurpassed, what a mind!

I will miss him deeply...

O Captain! My Captain!
2014-08-14 19:38:52 UTC
I'll remember his smile. It was a very fun and happy smile that made me smile to.
2014-08-14 13:21:43 UTC
without making a huge paragraph.

everything and the genie from aladdin
2014-08-14 11:07:00 UTC
MRS. DOUBTFIRE!!! best. movie. ever.
2014-08-14 10:23:15 UTC
He brought joy to a lot of people. People need to laugh and he gave them that. It is much needed medicine.
2014-08-14 09:26:41 UTC
Madame doubtfire
2014-08-13 16:34:32 UTC
I remembered how talented he was , he could play any part. I also remember what a cocaine problem he had from early on in is career. there may have been others as you could see he was self medicating. And I believe he just couldn't stop. with his mental issues. And got him in the end.
2014-08-13 14:24:55 UTC
I thought he was one of the best actors but history will show he was a coward for taking his life
2014-08-13 14:03:15 UTC
Mork from Ork !!!
2014-08-13 11:08:11 UTC
What Dreams May Come is my favorite movie....

I just find it really ironic that after making that movie... he could kill himself.
2014-08-13 11:04:04 UTC
That he ended up killing himself
2014-08-13 09:06:49 UTC
Robert William was and still one of my favorite actors and I'll always remember him for his comedy and voice talents.

RIP Robert Willaims
2014-08-13 08:45:13 UTC
Pretty much just Mrs. Doubtfire, i wasnt that big of a fan
2014-08-13 06:21:51 UTC
yep, use his death to do a marketing research on Robin Williams' movies.

you marketing freaks do anything to sell more and make more money.
Happy Hippie
2014-08-12 22:59:12 UTC
His legacy in the form of a spark of light. Thanks, Robin. :-)
2014-08-12 18:28:23 UTC
Besides the tragedy, he will always be Mrs. Doubtfire to me.

I love you, Robin.
Heywood Jablome
2014-08-12 17:25:02 UTC
What I will remember most about him is how annoying he was on TV talk shows and how he would never sit still and answer a question. He always had to jump around and play the fool and it was ridiculously annoying.
2014-08-12 16:40:50 UTC
just like what robin williams said in the 1991 steven spielberg movie ''hook'' ''to live... to live would be an awfully great adventure'' Robin Williams was right i guess living would be an awfully great adventure for his spirit in heaven may he RIP my favorite funniest actors from my childhood 
2014-08-12 15:01:01 UTC
photo album :)
2014-08-12 14:02:42 UTC
Mr. Williams was from the old school,he knew how to get to our hearts.lHe was a great actor and it is very sad that he gone.He was very much loved and will be greatly missed/How devastating for him to have to go through the depression .He had the biggest smile and as sick as he apparently was he gave us his all/May you RIP and this is a little more then an actor leaving us he was a marvelous person..Rest well Mr.Williams you will always be remembered
2014-08-12 12:50:10 UTC
I will most remember his roles in Aladdin, Mrs. Doubtfire, Jumanji, and Night at the Museum
2014-08-15 15:07:00 UTC
Take that!!!
2014-08-15 07:53:45 UTC
I think the thing that really hits home, his depression and troubles in life. No matter how much you can make others laugh, it is very hard to make yourself laugh and feel good. What a shame!
2014-08-15 02:31:30 UTC
That he had everything a man could ask for, and decided that death was his only escape.

I bet Robin Williams was even an Atheist who believed Christ to be the single most evil God in all of human history.

When a man has all the blessings a man could want. Only then can he so despise God and think Him so evil
2014-08-14 09:53:40 UTC
His ability to be funny, whether it's adult humor or when it's for the whole family. He was like a real life cartoon character.
2014-08-14 09:39:41 UTC
One more actor found to be a user of illegal drugs.

Cocaine, Crack, ..........

2014-08-14 08:05:42 UTC
Miss dout fire
2014-08-14 07:53:50 UTC
How great an actor he is.

Movies and Shows he's been in that I've watched are: Night at the Museum, Night at the Museum:!Battle at the Smithsonian, Fergully: The Last Rainforest, Flubber, Jumanji (I have the board game Jumanji), Happy Feet, RV, Robots, Aladdin, Hook, The Crazy Ones, Mrs. Doubtfire (he was also the producer for this movie)

He was on Sesame Street for 6 episodes. He was on one episode as himself on Spongebob Squarepants.

I can't wait to see Night of the Museum: Secret of the Tomb.

The trailer is so cool
2014-08-14 01:33:34 UTC
His movies.
2014-08-13 23:05:36 UTC
Him saying "Little miss" in the bicentennial man! <3 Rest Easy Robin you brought joy to so many of us!
2014-08-13 10:44:36 UTC
his huge penis
2014-08-13 09:53:12 UTC
His ability to add lib at anytime. He is the one person who could make anyone laugh at anytime. He was a true comedian and a true human being he helped many and gave so much of his life to others. too bad that depression over came him. we will miss him for sure.
2014-08-13 09:14:32 UTC
I'll keep in mind that he or she had been an excellent individual. He or she had been really gifted from becoming within involved with each humor as well as crisis. Within actual life he or she additionally appeared to possess a really vibrant nature that could help to make anybody grin. He's the meaning associated with exactly what this means to become in existence. It is nevertheless therefore unfortunate to know the way in which he passed away although. The actual sides obtaining truly all messed up. Relaxation within serenity Robin the boy wonder, you had been one of the biggest people Lord available.
Patriot !
2014-08-13 08:06:01 UTC
...that he's DEAD !
2014-08-13 04:52:42 UTC
I notice his eyes are sad even he can make people laugh, and I like his acting where he is a robot.
2014-08-12 16:50:59 UTC
Easily the funniest man of his generation - intelligent, humane, and unabashedly, outspokenly LIBERAL.
2014-08-12 16:04:04 UTC
2014-08-12 15:41:36 UTC
love the movie jack
2014-08-12 11:33:31 UTC

"Oi! Ten thousand years will give you such a crick in the neck." (Genie, Aladdin)

RIP Mr. Williams. I hope you are finally happy and at peace now. <3
2014-08-12 08:46:07 UTC
He never failed to make me laugh while I watched his movies. I loved him in Mrs. Doubtfire and of course as the Genie in Aladdin. It's such sad irony that a person who brought joy to others couldn't find joy within himself. May he rest in peace.
2014-08-12 05:59:05 UTC
I remember watching him on an episode of the actors studio being interviewed, he was hilarious,i was in stitches,i have never laughed so much,he was so kind to the young actors starting out,answering their questions,i remembered that programme for a long time,just thinking about it now makes me smile.R.I.P Robin.
2014-08-15 13:36:35 UTC
I only saw one episode of Mork & Mindy but I recall Mork told Mindy he was going to sit on his face, & Mindy (Pam Dawber) read more into it that he said , as did the viewers perhaps. He had a great talent, but I did not care for most of his movies & his shtick got stale over the years.
2014-08-15 13:21:36 UTC
I'll remember his character; his compassion and his ability to make people laugh.
2014-08-15 12:09:31 UTC
That he could be so without hope....
2014-08-14 17:22:10 UTC
The day I heard of his death was when I was in a crazy dream. When I woke up I was still in the dream. Why did he have to die?! I loved his movies such as Flubber, Hook, RV, Jumanji, and Mrs. Doubtfire.
2014-08-14 13:42:14 UTC
so many starring roles but his work with billy crystal and whoppie goldberg were fantastic spontanaous and quick wit at its best there is A NEW WORLD HE IS IN SOMEWHERE
2014-08-14 06:50:44 UTC
he's a betch.
2014-08-13 17:41:51 UTC
The genie from the movie Aladdin.
2014-08-13 16:43:48 UTC
Mork's method of sitting down.
2014-08-13 14:34:43 UTC
I will remember the fact that he could make us laugh, make us cry, creep us out, make us think and make me marvel at his talent. Perhaps I will remember the lesson that his death has taught me. The man who makes the rest of us laugh and forget our problems (if only for a few hours while watching a movie of his) had no one to make him laugh. That the mask we wear for others cannot hide our suffering from our own souls. I am so sorry that in the last moments of this funnyman's life, he was no doubt in the depths of despair and pain. In his life he made me laugh and with his death, he taught me to be a little more watchful of those I know who have depression and a little more understanding of them.

May his memory be for a blessing.
Girl Puncher
2014-08-13 13:06:10 UTC
How nobody was at all surprised when it turned out all that manic energy came from snorting coke and drinking.
2014-08-13 11:59:07 UTC
I will remember that he was a mediocre comedian.
2014-08-13 11:29:40 UTC
Sinead Duffy
2014-08-13 10:01:44 UTC
Patch Adams,Flubber Rip Robin Williams :(
2014-08-13 08:45:57 UTC
2014-08-13 02:17:23 UTC
The fact that he was an amazing person who cared about everyone else's feelings a lot, and wanted to deliver the gift of happiness to the world. It goes to show, the happiest people on the outside usually are the saddest people inside. I loved this guy so much, he was just such a wonderful man. R.I.P Robin Williams <3
2014-08-12 13:33:56 UTC
His performance in the film Jack. I like that film.
2014-08-12 12:54:28 UTC
Unfortunately, what I'll ultimately remember most about Robin Williams is that he allowed his personal demons to defeat him and committed suicide.
Salman Wahidi
2014-08-12 11:16:19 UTC
I didn't watch most of his movies but the ones that I did watch, he was amazing. His acting in Good Will Hunting was 10/10. Such a great character and lovable person...
2014-08-12 08:48:19 UTC
Good Will Hunting....awesome role. RIP RW!!
Lori Marie
2014-08-12 02:24:47 UTC
His movies especially peter pan.
2014-08-14 21:08:17 UTC
His stand-ups were absolutely hilarious.
2014-08-14 20:12:31 UTC
He was always so versatile, and i really enjoyed all of the movies he was in. He truly was a very talented actor, and he will be missed.
2014-08-14 17:27:37 UTC
2014-08-14 13:12:50 UTC
I will remember that he never changed like me love me or hate me I don't care im going to die being all me and loving it JUST LIKE robin did ooh and I LOVE that he did popeye! rip OH CAPTAIN MY CAPTAIN!

you will be missed
2014-08-14 11:12:30 UTC
His genius for comic improvisation; his deep friendship with Christopher Reeve, who, ironically, he helped convince to fight for life after his riding accident.
2014-08-13 18:06:24 UTC
His potent posterior.
2014-08-13 13:38:53 UTC
Most definitely the genie from Aladdin :)
2014-08-13 11:03:27 UTC
I'm a retired stagehand who spent decades working shows in Vegas Sad when we lose people to depression and other disorders
2014-08-13 10:21:10 UTC
WAHHHH D'X I miss him so! Mrs. Doubtfire, Aladdin, Jumanji, and Robots.
2014-08-13 09:38:12 UTC
His Drug use and alcoholism Will be remembered
2014-08-13 08:24:00 UTC
Robin Williams is one of my fave actor since I was a kid and for me what will I remember most about him is his Movie "JUMANJI" I really love this movie and the lessons about this movie is about the consequences of choices, ethics and the idea that bad choices made in youth could have long term effects on one's life.

RIP Robin Williams
2014-08-13 02:12:28 UTC
His manic sense of humor. I was shocked to hear he was dead and more shocked to hear it was suicide.
2014-08-12 22:24:47 UTC
There was that speech at the end of Mrs. Doubtfire about parents breaking up, done in character. That was brilliant. I enjoyed the briefings he did to his boss "Orson" on Mork and Mindy, and then there was that odd little movie he did, "Toys", which didn't work on a lot of levels, but was also oddly compelling, at the same time.

I'll miss him. I wish we could help people like him more effectively. That kind of depression takes a lot of the very best members of our species.
2014-08-12 14:33:44 UTC
Nanew, nanew
2014-08-12 10:52:55 UTC
what dreams may come. what a great movie
2014-08-12 10:28:53 UTC
I will remember my childhood from Ferngully (batty) The Genie, Peter Pan, Mrs. Doubtfire, Jumanji JAck, Flubber, to my older teen/ adulthood with Good Morning Vietnam, RV, Death To Smoochie, What Dreams May Come, Patch Adams, Dead Poets Society, Good Will Hunting, and so on. His later roles showed us the brilliant man he is through comedy, darkness, and a hero.

He has grown up with most of us from the 70's to now. He made all ages laugh and find light in his hopeful smile ,with the twinkle in those sad eyes. He is one of the most treasured Actors of his time and everyone respects him as an actor and a kind man. I will remember all of this. I will remember him in my room as Genie in Aladdin, my favorite Disney movie, and as Chris in What Dreams May Come, my favorite movie as an adult.

Thank you, Robin for being a huge part of many generations. You will be missed!
Cosmic Boy
2014-08-12 06:08:50 UTC
jumanji,night at the
2014-08-12 04:38:28 UTC
I will always remember him that he did not suicide but "Got Killed", why do you need to die like this RIP!!!

Check here how its done
2014-08-12 04:15:03 UTC
I will remember most how "funny" he was...

"laughter is the best medicine".

May he R.I.P. and may God comfort his family & friends hearts.
2014-08-12 03:01:44 UTC
Plenty of things, he was always so funny and could be sad at times. It's hard and difficult to believe he's gone, though. I have to say I miss him in genrel dispite never having met him or knew him personally. His movies always either made me cry or laugh. Or both. They always cheered me up in someway-- eheh... Grew up watching his movies. It's still, really, really hard to believe someone who smiled the most could do such a thing...


I always hear that the ones who smile the most are the ones who are suffering the most... :/
2014-08-15 08:57:14 UTC
Robin Williams was great man.I have made him as my idol for every thing.I would remember all things of idol Robin.
2014-08-14 20:49:26 UTC
After his demise, Flubber came to mind.

I don't pay much attention to actors or celebrities. I think it is preposterous that people care so much when a famous person dies; it seems to be more significant than the murders on your local news channel.
2014-08-14 20:23:15 UTC
i didn't like him,. no offense.
2014-08-14 19:47:42 UTC
one hour photo. and many others.
2014-08-14 08:05:50 UTC
Nothing I liked him! Isn't that enough?
2014-08-14 04:53:05 UTC
Mork and Mindy as a child in the 70's. Nanoo Nanoo.
2014-08-13 17:29:18 UTC
I think I'll remember him most because he was capable of making me LAUGH and that has more value than many other things. Our society overlooks depression and it should be noted that the numbers of severely depressed folks are growing. We ALL need to help them SMILE MORE and NOT FEEL ISOLATED OR ALONE. Robin Williams was straight out FUNNY and that is what I remember.
2014-08-13 12:39:45 UTC
i remember his one to two hour HBO comedy shows; i watched most of his one- man show for almost 90 minutes and some of the jokes and his scenarios was racy but funny.
2014-08-13 11:34:26 UTC
What about Michael Brown, an unarmed 18-year-old shot dead by a Ferguson police officer approx. 10 times? Robin Williams commit suicide and he is talked about repeatedly. What about a homeowner who shot a 19-year-old Detroit woman to death as she stood on the porch of his home early Saturday; Her name was Renisha McBride’s and she was racially profiled by the homeowner. McBride, whose cell phone had died, went up to the house on Outer Drive seeking help after she was involved in an auto accident early Saturday morning. She isn't talked about repeatedly on yahoo or any other web sites.

The list can go on and on about African Americans being killed but aren't talked about repeatedly. I am sorry but I do not share tears for a individual that committed suicide.

Many Blessings
Marina 1
2014-08-13 09:34:29 UTC
He was such a kind hearted and very funny man who gives me many memories. So sad he got so depressed that he gave up. Ironic that just last week I recorded Mrs Doubtfire on my DVD because every time I watch the movie it has me in stitches. RIP to a great actor from one of his biggest fans.
2014-08-13 09:05:36 UTC
Nothing! -_-
2014-08-12 19:13:37 UTC
I mostly remember Robin Williams for being Robin Williams. Specifically a kind hearted person with wit and talent. Such a sad thing, to wear a smiling mask when the true face behind it is frowning. Is it weird for me to say that i wish i could have been there? To talk to him, person to person? I'm not sure. I don't care much for celebrities really. I care more about who a person really is. I feel like he was a beautiful person. I can't be sure since i never really knew him, but i've heard a lot. I really hope that wherever he is, he's doing okay. I also hope that he knows lots of people miss him, especially his family (i assume, but again don't know them). And i hope he's resting in peace, as cliche as that sounds.

I'm going to play the Song Of Healing in tribute to him on my ocarina. I know he enjoyed the Legend of zelda. I wonder if he played lots of video games, or if he simply liked the name zelda. As a gamer... I feel especially wounded. I know his daughter was at E3. I've been down in the dumps from this.

To top it off, it's so rainy here- it almost feels like the sky is crying. Not to be overdramatic though. I'm just a weird philosophical person.
2014-08-12 17:12:04 UTC
Ork of Mork - Shalba
2014-08-12 13:23:36 UTC
This acting and how he could create comedy and fun and his ability to adapt to any role from Patch Adams to Mrs Doubtfire
2014-08-12 09:48:29 UTC
2014-08-12 08:12:38 UTC
Mork & Mindy (Used to watch that on the Hub channel every night a few years ago before I fell asleep when it came on night)

Jumanji (I've only seen it once or twice when I was about 4 or 5 and don't remember too much of it, but I remember that it used to kind of scare me when the kids and he turned to creatures at some point in the movie).

Dead Poets Society (Oh Captain, my captain! Love that movie.)

Mrs. Doubtfire (everyone in my family loves this movie and when I hear 'Dude Look Like a Lady', I can't help but to think of the movie and I always sing it any chance I get mainly to insult my siblings or friends.)

Jack (A few years ago during Thanksgiving, my mom discovered the cassette in our house and our VHS player still worked when we also rewatched 'The Blank Check' and 'The Lion King', which I think are our only cassettes that still work. It was such a cute film and it was both touching and funny at the same time.

Old Dogs- Not one of my fave films, but I got really excited to find that Robin Williams was in it and the tea party scene and gorilla part cracked me up)

August Rush - (I thought he was really good in the film as the tough musical instructor to Freddie Highmore's character. I liked how he can be dramatic and comical in his films).

Hamlet-(We had to watch this in English class back in high school and I thought it was awesome to see familiar faces like him and Kate Winslet)

Aladdin - (I didn't even know he voiced a character in the show until like a few months ago and I kind of felt like it made my life and satisfied my childhood memories almost like the way I felt when I found out that Simple Plan sang the Scooby Doo theme song 'What's New Scooby Doo?', which was around the same time when I got bored and was looking through random actors and shows I would click on the pages to the side of the Google page).

Night of the Museum - (Have only seen parts of the first when it first came out on DVD when a teacher brought it in, but thought it was kind of boring at the time since I wasn't into action films before up until about 3 to 4 years ago and plus I didn't view from the beginning, and if I am completely confused in a movie, usually I find no point in watching it unless I rewind some parts (I am an annoying movie-viewer like that).

I really enjoyed Robin Williams movies and shows though I found some of his old ones from the '80s and '90s cheesy many years after first seeing a majority of them several years later, but they were still so hilarious to watch. I haven't seen every film and show he made, but these are the some of the ones that I remember him most in and these films actually made me laugh and tear up a little in some scenes. I remember my old friend from high school and I getting so excited whenever Mrs. Doubtfire came on ABC family. I thought his death was another fake rumor of celeb deaths when not hearing from them for a long while when viewing the news online, but I felt a little heart-broken knowing it was true. He was an awesome comedian/actor that made some of the greatest childhood memories for me. May he rest in peace.
2014-08-12 06:20:30 UTC
85 answers. WOW. But I remember Mr. Doubtfire, Flubber, Jumanji, Night at the museum, but Bicentennial Man has to be the best to me.
2014-08-12 04:31:29 UTC
Huge Loss.
2014-08-12 02:19:24 UTC
This Family Guy scene:P
2014-08-11 22:41:03 UTC
Great actor and seemed like a genuine nice guy. RIP and thoughts and prayers go out to his family
Lynn V
2014-08-15 18:28:04 UTC
He was one of the most funniest comedians ever. It doesn't matter how much money you make or have, we all have our problems. We need more support from family and friends, getting therapy can only do so much. It's more the day to day help needed. Everyone is living their life, but forget to remember those dear to us, just to check in on or to talk.
2014-08-14 22:52:14 UTC
What will remember most is the time I did cocaine with him in Las Vegas. No one in the world had anise like that man. I think he was half vacuum cleaner.
2014-08-14 22:04:37 UTC
His role in Mrs. Doubtfire. RIP. He was a great actor that made people laugh!
2014-08-14 20:41:17 UTC
"Oh captain, my captain!"

"Gooooood morning, Vietnam!"

And this scene from Good Will Hunting. Damn, I'm only 15, and believe me, my first love, it can relate to Robin's words, "You don't know about real loss, 'cause it only occurs when you love something more than you love yourself."
2014-08-14 07:58:48 UTC
His awesome hairstyle from the mark and Mindy days
2014-08-14 04:25:36 UTC
I will remember that no matter what was going on in his private

life, he put his heart and soul into making great films.

My favourites were Mrs.Doubtfire, Good Will Hunting, and

Dead Poets Society.

May he Rest in peace.
2014-08-13 19:39:23 UTC
I'll remember him as a legend and a really really funny guy, i only saw a few of his movies but all of them i liked especially flubba what a film!

Very sad way to go and i hate how the tabloids are treating him, with no respect at all.

R.I.P Robin Williams
She Dances With Love
2014-08-13 19:36:34 UTC
He touched my heart with all of his char-actors.... I am sad for him and his family..
2014-08-13 17:34:54 UTC
When I used to watch him in Malcolm in the middle. It was the very first time that i watched him on TV. Since that day i knew that he was the most funny guy in comedy movies because he made me laugh all the time when he made jokes on tv, and I was about 8 or 9 years old. Now I'm 18. It was my favorite show and best of my childhood. I'll miss him...
2014-08-13 06:09:40 UTC
I'll always remember being snuggled in bed when i was about 11 with an electric blanket on, not too long before christmas. It was pouring down with rain and watching Hook on the television. It was one of my favourite films from my childhood and i still watch it today. I always remember being sat on the sofa with my brother watching Mrs Doubtfire and trying to do our own hot dog impression. Such a sad loss and a shame that the world's lost such a fantastic actor and comedian. R.I.P Robin Williams.
2014-08-13 00:48:37 UTC
O Captain! My Captain!
2014-08-12 21:02:01 UTC
His humor.
2014-08-12 16:53:55 UTC
2014-08-12 14:03:41 UTC
This is one of my favourite Robin Williams quotes. It says so much. I love all of his films and I really hoped that one day I would meet him. This quote is what I will remember most about him because I always used to get picked on at school for being out there and strange, this quote taught me that it was ok to be different
2014-08-12 13:48:52 UTC
His performance in front of the Royal Family in Britain...
2014-08-12 10:56:17 UTC
That he was alive just a day ago.
2014-08-12 09:25:30 UTC
i think his great talent
2014-08-12 08:43:45 UTC
Mrs. Doubtfire! Absolutely one of my favorite actors of all time.
2014-08-12 08:15:28 UTC
Mrs. Doubtfire.
2014-08-12 03:14:41 UTC
I'll remember is hilarious movies and his funny personality. We lost a comedy legend.
2014-08-15 10:46:50 UTC
He phucked my mom. That stupid movie Toys. Am I his kid, hell no.
2014-08-14 18:56:54 UTC
I will remember his brilliance and his ability to adlib with such funny things.

I knew that over the years that he battled depression.

It is very sad that the depression took him away from his family and from his many fans.

Maybe this will show the world how important getting mental health is.

I lost a son to the disease of depression when he was only 21 years old.

Lets continue to carry Robin in our hearts and minds. He will be missed by the entire world. I think he would be glad if mankind made sure that depression could be treated like other diseases.

And not be a disease that takes the lives of too many incredible people.
2014-08-13 22:41:17 UTC
I remember how he always smoked big weed, smoke smoke big weed
2014-08-13 21:03:39 UTC
he is a great actor ! love him ~ RIP Sir Robin , may you always be in a better place and be at peace
2014-08-13 17:46:15 UTC
His appearances on the Talk Shows

And Mrs Doubtfire......!!
2014-08-13 11:03:10 UTC
My childhood movies: Aladdin and Jumanji
2014-08-13 10:14:22 UTC
The stand up monologue on Golf. It's not what you usually think of when you think of Robin Williams but it's hilarious. I enjoyed a lot of his serious movie roles as well
2014-08-12 23:25:19 UTC
There is no doubt it was Mrs Doubtfire. No freaken doubt!!! Rest in peace my man you were a legend!!!
2014-08-12 22:47:28 UTC
he was a great actor and my friends and i used to go trick a treating at his house. he would never be home but he would always have someone there to give out a lot of candy and toys. RIP Robin Williams. i would also always remember him in many of amazing movies he had acted in, such as Aladdin, Mrs. Doubtfire, and RV
2014-08-12 19:20:07 UTC
Mrs Doubtfire , him playing Peter Pan, and Goodwill hunting.
2014-08-12 16:27:30 UTC
His great humourous, kind and witty acting. He seemed like a genuine person :) Mrs Doubtfire, Night in the Museum.
2014-08-12 15:45:00 UTC
Mrs doubtfire, I grew up watching that
bad girl
2014-08-12 15:03:00 UTC
Always superb in every role. But what I remember most is seeing him interviewed on a late night talk show, the other guest was an aged Bob Hope. Hope went on for about 15 minutes on the low level of humor which had been lowered due to the type of humor Williams was known for. A true gentleman Robin never said a word and left Hope say his piece.

Nanu, nanu.
2014-08-12 13:27:38 UTC
-.- Either that he did something so sad, or that I never hear about so many famous people until they die!
2014-08-12 07:51:35 UTC
Good Morning Vietnam and stand-up stuff. Oh, and Mrs. Doubtfire.
2014-08-12 07:45:45 UTC
Miss Doubtfire

R.I.P Robin William - Such a shame for such a talented actor and comedy legend!!
Country GIRL
2014-08-12 06:17:14 UTC
Everything from stand up comic to movies to helping others he was a great person on screen and off I will Miss his funny ways dearly Rest well MR WiLLAMS <3 <3
2014-08-12 05:18:19 UTC
Mira doubtfire and jumanji
2014-08-11 23:19:44 UTC
He was funny, creative and intelligent. I have never seen Robin Williams in anything where I didn't laugh he captured the things about ourselves that make us vunerable and allowed us to laugh at him because we could relate.

I have been aware for several years now about his battle with depression and OCD. I will miss him and I know so many others will too.
2014-08-11 22:19:14 UTC
his poop movie the angriest man in broklyn..
2014-08-15 18:49:29 UTC was my childhood. He definitely touched my heart RIP
2014-08-15 13:24:24 UTC
When he was on Ellen and he did his Siri impression. I'm still laughing! RIP
2014-08-15 01:00:59 UTC
What he did with koko the gorilla (:
2014-08-14 17:31:33 UTC
His smile.

2014-08-14 14:45:10 UTC
He was a good person as well as a terrific actor. He was a kind and caring individual. This world could use more like him.
2014-08-14 08:30:19 UTC
That he took his own life. No point in sugar-coating anything, and it's important for people who consider doing that to see that *THAT* is how you will ultimately be remembered.
2014-08-13 17:37:56 UTC
I'll remember the talent that he has
2014-08-13 14:24:12 UTC
He makes many people feel less alone, because mental illness is a worldwide current issue that people would rather ignore or pretend it doesn't exist.
2014-08-13 06:49:12 UTC
He had a rare combination of wit and ability to act the clown. When we think of the other Grade A clowns - Jerry Lewis, Jonathan Winters, Jim Carey - it's plain to see that none of them was as witty as Robin Williams.

"Cocaine is God's way of telling you that you have too much money."
2014-08-13 02:20:51 UTC
Robin Williams was such a big part of my childhood, I loved watching all of his movies Flubber (will always be my favorite), I remember watching Mrs. Doubt Fire over and over sometimes twice in 1 day, although Jumanji scared me a little lol I loved this movie too... Almost forgot Aladdin it's going to be a while before I can get "friend like me out of my head".

Yup he will be missed RIP.
Mustard Man
2014-08-12 22:32:11 UTC
That dope beard he had
2014-08-12 21:37:34 UTC
Kira Brown
2014-08-12 21:10:19 UTC
I loved Jumanji, I could watch that everyday for the rest of my life and never get bored of it. One of the best actors of all time. RIP hero!!!
2014-08-12 17:49:40 UTC
I will remember him most from his comedy and serious acting
2014-08-12 14:20:03 UTC
2014-08-12 13:30:58 UTC
Insomnia .. Good Will Hunting ..Dead Poets Society ... The Final Cut .. What Dreams May Come ..
2014-08-12 12:55:38 UTC
He seems to be the kind of person that everyone likes. I've never heard anything negative about Robin. He's America's sweetheart, he's unforgettable. I'll always remember his presence.
2014-08-12 09:17:00 UTC
He was one of my biggest inspirations to get into film as a child. When I was younger I was captivated by Jumanji, Aladdin, Mrs. Doubtfire, Flubber, Patch Adams, Toyz and Hook as I got older I appreciated his more adult roles in Bird Cage, What Dreams May Come and Good Will Hunting. I was shocked and saddened at the news that he could have taken his own life. Depression is a serious disease something that eats into the soul of all people affected by it. So sad to loose someone that talented so quickly.
2014-08-11 21:55:23 UTC
What I will remember most about Robin Williams is his mastery of comedic timing. I remember him all the way back from the 'Mork & Mindy' days. LOVED him for years and years.

Mrs. Doubtfire was outstanding. Also loved Good Will Hunting, Good Morning Vietnam, What Dreams May Come, and some of his voiceover work.

He was truly a comedic genius and a fine actor as well. Very tragic loss.
2014-08-11 21:47:00 UTC
The way he could make me laugh and bring me back to my childhood when I was having a shitty day... this still seems so wrong. I never imagined a world without his comforting sense of humor.
2014-08-15 19:12:51 UTC
Any time he came on a light night show with Letterman or Leno/Carson
2014-08-14 21:26:30 UTC
I will remember the fact that he was 63 years old.
2014-08-14 19:16:29 UTC
His funny character and being a great actor. I liked his movies in Mrs doubtfire and Jumanmgi , I'm always drawn to watch hismoives over and again, I think his sense of humour made people want to connect and feel entertained and have a good time. He was cool B-) RIP my respects to you Robin Williams
2014-08-14 18:53:30 UTC
his awesome and funny acting
2014-08-14 15:07:27 UTC
his stand up
2014-08-14 10:47:09 UTC
Mrs. Doubtfire
2014-08-14 09:16:16 UTC
His humor escaped me and his politics offended me.
Harold Feller
2014-08-14 08:48:19 UTC
He was a quitter.
2014-08-14 07:40:26 UTC
Another fallen victim of male depression.
2014-08-13 16:05:55 UTC
Jumangi and Mrs Doubtfire
2014-08-13 15:53:02 UTC
That he was on a voice guest on Family Guy and played an acting role as Mrs. Doubtfire.
👌Make it happen👍
2014-08-13 05:05:46 UTC
He made me laugh, he made me cry and he gave me reasons to think about the world, the present day (carpe diem) and the future... Oh Captain, my captain! R.I.P
2014-08-13 04:56:30 UTC
Good Morning Vietnam!
2014-08-12 19:17:30 UTC
his ms.doubtfire movie that is a freaking classic
2014-08-12 18:57:35 UTC
What dreams may come and Dead Poets Society.

The fact is when answering such a question becomes so personal this actor has become legend. I cannot express how deeply I feel the grief Williams left us. He was one of the greatest of our times, perhaps much more in dramas than in comedies. As an actor he was bright, as a human being he was even brighter, compassionate and humble. We'll all regret his passing, we'll all mourn and have deepest thoughts for his family.
2014-08-12 12:12:46 UTC
Mork and Mindy. I was brought up in a highly dysfuntional and toxic enviroment but that show brought great comfort to me.

I cant listen to the theme tune without feeling overwhelming sadness for a man i never met or knew personally and yet i feel like i just lost a close friend. :((
2014-08-12 06:22:00 UTC
There's so much I can remember! But when I was a kid in the late 90s and early 00s, I always remember Hook and that wired film with the green glowey thing moving around. Was almost in tears when I head about his death on FB yesterday! So much he has done to make us all laugh around the world, so much he could have done! RIP Williams!
2014-08-12 03:12:11 UTC
Jumanji and Aladdin.

Remember when he was naked in World's Greatest Dad? I am still scarred from that. His giant d*** and balls just swung there.
2014-08-12 02:20:20 UTC
I am still in disbelief as well. He deserved to live much longer than this. I really can't accept that it was a suicide? No way. He had done so much, affected so many people's lives, he was a movie star for crying out loud! But, you have to remember that behind every shining face can be a depressed soul. I just hate knowing that's how he had to leave us :( Someone who made us all smile, cry tears of joy and sorrow, but most importantly made us laugh! He was such a talented man, and he holds a special place in my childhood memories. My favorite movies with him are Mrs. Doubtfire and Jumanji :') I loved seeing them still play on TV as I got older, but now it's going to be tough :'( Thank you Mr. Williams, for brightening up this world :')
2014-08-12 00:21:19 UTC
2014-08-15 18:02:45 UTC
For his film what Dreams May Come, brilliant actor and comedian, will be missed by millions, rip robin xx
2014-08-15 12:55:10 UTC
Pam Dawber (and the Focus "Moving Waves" album cover on the music shop wall)

... it's all in the details.
Rebecca Packer
2014-08-14 22:48:21 UTC
His uncanny abilityto play any kind of role eespecially his dark role in one hour photo and his serious role in what dreams may come.
2014-08-14 13:01:39 UTC
I will remember most how his spontaneous joy & humor gave a feeling that some how,everything would be alright.A part of ME has died,too.Robin Williams RIP
2014-08-14 08:17:35 UTC
2014-08-13 13:50:17 UTC
how much he made me laugh in his movie and moro and mindy :( i cried a lot when i found out he died. he's my favorite actor. RIP Mr. Williams
2014-08-13 10:44:09 UTC
Definitely his stand up shows, they were incredible!
2014-08-12 18:26:11 UTC
2014-08-12 14:36:29 UTC
Mrs. Doubtfire for sure! The weird thing is that I had a dream about the movie a few days ago! Rest in peace Robin!
2014-08-12 12:11:07 UTC
I was sad to hear about Robin Williams so I rented Good Morning Vietnam and watched it in memory of him. At the end of the movie he mentions marijuana and I have a rule: that means I take a bong hit. I am now high so I may remember very little.
2014-08-12 11:34:18 UTC
That he made millions laugh .
2014-08-12 10:59:31 UTC
he was a liberal, but not a christian. i doubt he prayed in the name of jesus christ ever. he was pro homosexual, he mocked God and priests.

but he made americans laugh in the role of Mork, he dressed up as a tranvestite in one movie, made people laugh there too. if he really committed suicide He is not in heaven. according to some christian beliefs. If he had had he salvation of christ, he wouldnt have committed suicide.
2014-08-12 10:42:37 UTC

he commited suicide,

which now makes him a complete loser.

2014-08-12 10:23:59 UTC
Funny stuff he's said
2014-08-12 07:37:48 UTC
I will remember he stretched his own neck.

what a dumbass.

2014-08-12 06:57:32 UTC
He was hilarious and an all around great guy. I'm sure he's got angels cracking up right now.
2014-08-12 04:52:27 UTC
His glowing spirit.
2014-08-12 03:23:50 UTC
My childhood. Mrs. Doubtfire, Flubber, Jumanji, Mork, Patch Adams, etc. I did not see some of his more serious roles (watching Good Will Hunting and a few others tonight and this week). I will remember him showing me what a good man looks like through his films. He brought me so much laughter. Even though I was young they played Mork on nick at night so I even have that to remember even though it came out years before I was born (I am 27).

He felt safe in a time where the men in my life were not all safe. He made me believe in the goodness of people and taught me I don't have to settle. I was devastated to hear of his death. I burst into tears when I read it and I still cannot believe it hours later. I will always love him. He was also very kind to animals. I hope his poor soul is at peace, he brought the world together today.

I will also remember how serious depression is. We should be open, not keep it a secret. If you know someone who needs help ask them what you can do for them.
2014-08-11 21:03:57 UTC
Robin Williams is the real reason that I went through everything with his only and one jokes.
2014-08-11 20:02:12 UTC
I will remember everything - starting with Mrs. Doubtfire. My favorite memory is watching Robin Williams: Live on Broadway from 2002 - it's one of the few times I remember laughing until I ached.
2014-08-14 22:20:42 UTC
jumanji, mrs.doubtfire, the slime
2014-08-14 15:12:16 UTC
He just was naturally funny, his voice sort of made u feel happy, like everything was okay, and he sort of struck me as a sweet innocent man just by looking at him, but when u watch him in mrs doubtfire, he's so talented and unique, there are literally no actors who have that sort of charm and humour about them
Olive Garden
2014-08-14 15:10:19 UTC
If he had only knew and went on living that people also depends on him for laughter and happiness.
i see dead squirrels
2014-08-14 09:51:13 UTC
That I disliked most of the movies where he was a star rather than playing a serious role as part of an ensemble.
2014-08-14 09:44:30 UTC
I'll definitely remember him in jumanji, the best movie I ever watched in my childhood and not forgetting night at the museums too!
2014-08-14 08:34:54 UTC
He has already been gone three days

Mrs doubtfire was my favorite but I loved all of them rest in piece Robin Williams.

It's really sad how even the greatest people can fall.
2014-08-13 20:37:14 UTC
I remember with affection das humors und genuis of the mann.
2014-08-13 12:34:10 UTC
All I remember from him, is that he inspired me to be the best I can be would make my family laugh, it was quite a tragic death, and to many it seems like, depressed people do hide their feelings and I think its conspicuous to many now, he is illustrious, he will be dearly missed✌️
2014-08-13 10:16:47 UTC
Nothing. I'm so glad that little shithead died. I hope he's rotting in hell right now.
2014-08-12 17:50:55 UTC
That scream! Can your friends do this, do your friends do that, do your friends pull this out their little hhhaaaaaaaaaat!

You aint never gonna have, never gonna have, never gonna have, never, everrrr haaaad a friiiiiiend liiiiiiiiiike meeeeeeee. You aint never had a friend like me.
2014-08-12 15:58:43 UTC
his smile :)
Judy and the Beast
2014-08-12 13:54:23 UTC
1. Nanu Nanu and his role on Mork was infectiously funny

2. What Dreams May Come was a very under viewed movie and about a husband's love for his depressed/suicidal wife and the afterlife

3. Good Will Hunting was perhaps his best acting performance and the movie was just very good.

4. Good Morning Vietnam was the first movie I saw him in where I realized her was actually a VERY good actor and not just a comic.

5. Mrs. Doubtfire is such a classic that shows his range for comedy, acting, improv, singing, and impressions.

I will miss Robin for his ability to cheer up so many people even though he was so messed up himself.
2014-08-12 12:01:48 UTC
I will remember the happiness he brought to so many other people. I will remember all the funny movies he made. I will never forget how much I loved him in the movie Jack.

I think people underestimate how much one person, famous or not, can have an effect on others' lives.

My condolonces and prayers go out to the Williams' family.
2014-08-12 09:38:21 UTC
Good morning vietnam, Hook, mork and mindy , special appearance on Happy days, and many others , a great actor , a funny comedian, he inspire us all,when i heard the news kind of shocked , so many good ones are leaving us so soon
2014-08-12 06:48:24 UTC
His BRILLIANT performance in The Fisher King .. one of my all time favorite movies. I laughed and cried. It's rare for a movie to make me do that.
2014-08-11 22:17:07 UTC
Wow another celebrity death.

Lets wait for the toxicology report :(

There is definately something wrong in Hollywood.

Big actor, Great comedian, no words can describe the mans talent and what he left behind.

Rip :(
Sandra S.
2014-08-11 17:06:15 UTC
There are so many. If picking one thing I will remember most is as in my email/yahoo profile is a quote from one of Robin Williams movies that I've had there for years:

~ “The human spirit is more powerful than any drug and that is what needs to be nourished with work, play, friendship, family. These are the things that matter.” :).“Awakenings” (Quote from Movie) Robert De Niro as Leonard Lowe Robin Williams as Dr. Malcolm Sayer
2014-08-11 17:43:02 UTC
I absolutely loved him in the movie RV, he was just so naturally funny.
2014-08-11 17:58:21 UTC
OH MY GOD I'm almost DONE with Hollywood... I bet THEY killed him, if you know what I mean. Why would he... a perfectly sane and kind guy suffocate himself? Hmph...
curious cat
2014-08-12 06:55:47 UTC
He was always 'in character'

very hairy dude
2014-08-12 02:36:15 UTC
His smile that reached from one side of his face to the other.
2014-08-16 03:08:42 UTC
The fact that he made people happy even known he wasn't happy himself
2014-08-12 06:44:06 UTC
He was the Genie on Alladdin.
2014-08-12 02:03:58 UTC
I will remember him for his movie "Aladdin & Good Morning, Vietnam"
2014-08-11 17:14:34 UTC
I have my Mork and Mindy box set to remind me to laugh when times were tough for me.
2014-08-12 17:53:01 UTC
That he had it all and it still wasn't enough. I though he was made of stronger stuff.
2014-08-11 17:26:06 UTC
His laughter and ability to make others laugh. Everything about him will be remembered...
2014-08-12 22:24:06 UTC
house of D
2014-08-11 22:30:47 UTC
Nanoo nanoo
2014-08-11 18:49:35 UTC
Unfortunately, some stupid immoral innuendo. Most of his comedy was a piece of ****.
Gerry G
2014-08-14 06:55:34 UTC
His quick mind and his skill at improv.
2014-08-12 08:49:06 UTC
I'm going to miss his goofy smile.
Brigalow Bloke
2014-08-13 00:53:39 UTC
Like all comedians, sometimes amusing, sometimes irritating
2014-08-12 08:37:19 UTC
One of the most perfect costar.... we will miss u
2014-08-12 19:23:34 UTC
That movie he did where all suicides go to hell
2014-08-17 01:22:31 UTC
He was a dork from Ork.
2014-08-17 11:58:31 UTC
The genie from aladdin
2014-08-13 21:48:17 UTC
His role from Jumanji :)
2014-08-15 23:11:20 UTC
His big heart and big personality
2014-08-12 14:16:00 UTC
I've been crying off and on over this : / I'm not even the crying type.

I was 14. It was a couple years after puberty when I was starting to come to terms with my sexuality and the movie The Birdcage hit theaters. It was the first time I had ever seen an LGBT character portrayed in film and RW will always have a special place in my heart for that. It was really a big deal at the time. I had grown up on his other work as a kid so it was like someone I liked/respected was saying it's okay---Look, there are others like you.
2014-08-12 10:37:14 UTC
How he made me laugh
2014-08-11 23:49:28 UTC
2014-08-17 11:02:33 UTC
The movie ms.doubtfire
2014-08-24 05:00:25 UTC
His DEATH which everyone said things about his success and HIS SUICIDE
2014-08-16 07:57:42 UTC
2014-08-12 16:38:12 UTC
"Mork and Mindy"
2014-08-12 11:23:27 UTC
Doubt fire that best lol
2014-08-17 12:54:04 UTC
His lovely smile. :-)
2014-08-17 20:27:18 UTC
He killed himself.
2014-08-11 19:15:37 UTC
2014-08-12 05:28:58 UTC
That he died
John Ornelas
2014-08-11 19:25:07 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.