yeah. i've seen many celebrities in my lifetime after going to carols in the domain, and me being from australia. even david hasselhoff attended (last year when i went with a guy friend of mine), and other things like concerts, one of which was aaron carter. my younger sister got to go up to him as she was getting him to sign the cd she bought of aaron carter. that was rather funny for her because he went to kiss her on the cheek and just before he could, she walked away. at the end of last month, when my grandparents were leaving for portugal, i saw the lead singer of 'jet'. i didnt really get a chance to meet him because al i could do was stare in amazement. funny thing was i saw him twice at the airport. once when i was eating - he was over at mcdonald's in the airport, and i saw him a second time going into the same terminal as my grandparents. he noticed my sisters and i staring and waved at us. it was really cool. just to know that he noticed me makes it cool. and one time my sisters and i went to fox studios because Levi from Australian Idol was going to be there. i got to meet him, and he got to sign my shirt and i got to be in a photo with him and my sisters. Because i was there, i got to meet james matheson, host of australian idol and who's on channel 'v'. he was funny. and i got to meet personally as i was standing around Bek, also from Australian Idol and who was my mum's favourite. she talked to me like she was my friend and offered to buy me chewing gum as she was on her way to the store to get some anyway. she also signed my shirt and put a smiley face on it. i got really excited, and i really wanted a picture with her, but my older sister told me that there was no more film in the camera to take a picture. just the thought of me getting to meet her and not my sisters made me very pleased.
oh yeah. a couple of weeks ago my friend took me out to this place in annandale where we saw really cool bands playing. one of the guys in the band 'mortality', the newest member though, is friends with my best friend. other bands who performed there that i saw were scarblind and 1 shot kill. getting to meet the guy from mortality was really cool, and i got to say bye to him when he was leaving. i would have bn noticed by scarblind because i was constantly trying to get pictures on my phone of them. i got in a couple of good shots. the girl i made really good friends with is in a band herself. i didnt really get a chance to ask her the name of the band, but she did mention about her adventures touring the world, including the u.s. she would be the closest i've been to a celebrity, and i even got in a good picture of her in my phone. she told me her name, but i seemed to have forgotten it. not surprising because over the entire night i kept forgetting her name. she was very cool. didnt really like the girl she was with though. but yeah. it is quite difficult when you dont live in a country and area filled with celebrities. my good friend harry, the one i went to carols in the domain last year with, he gets to see a lot of famous people in politics. his friend who's father is president of the ALP, i got to meet and really like, and best thing about it is that he likes me. he even kissed me, which was awesome. his family gets mentioned all the time and are also related to anthony mundine (they're cousins), and the guy plays pro football in australia. i see him more as a friend, and i think he sees me more as a good friend, and we get along really well. would be really cool if i could meet his family.