Here are some excerpts from her speech:
"I decided to fly to Phoenix yesterday and see the situation first hand. I went to raise awareness about its dangerous consequences and offer my support to the Latino community and to those who defend human rights.
I'm not a citizen of the United States, but I've always been an admirer and defender of its principles. To the rest of the world, the United States represents the dream of a better life based on justice and freedom for everyone -- no matter the color of your skin. This law goes against those values and against the principles of every American I know.
I do know that a constitution exists to defend the rights of all people living in a nation, with or without documents. I do know that the United States Constitution is the envy of many free societies around the world.
Millions of people have fought and died for these rights, most importantly the Americans who created them. I sincerely hope that this law is not the beginning of a new wave of discrimination that undermines the freedoms they fought for."
The issue is not about equality, hard work, fairness or even immigration. Our immigration systems works just fine. Millions of legal immigrants have come to this Country and made it better.
It is about illegal immigration and the violations of US law by people who do not believe in the rule of law (just look at Mexico today).
There is no right to enter this Country illegaly.
When a husband & wife who are American citizens commit crimes, they get seperated from their children not because the laws are unfair but because they broke the law and that has consequences.
This Country belongs to its citizens and they decide who comes in, who stays and who gets deported. That is fair, it is just and it is right. No amnesty to law breakers. Serious fines to employers who employ illegals.
Freedom is NOT free!
And come through the front door.