Not sure. Court records are sealed, so we do not know. Perhaps she violated some of the judges directives. Of course you can speculate, however it is best to know facts.
You cannot go by what the disgruntled employees, such as the body guard say, etc., as they most likely have ulterior motives such as revenge, money, etc. Funny they were not that concerned until after they were fired.
I know that Federline has been kind of party animal in the past according to media, but the media is not that reliable source of information. Am not completely sure about his parenting skills, but seriously doubt that he is any better parent that Ms. Spears. I am sure he would like a fat monthly check for child support each month. Ha.
She still has equal legal custody, but not physical. I am sure if she complies and corrects whatever the judge is concerned about that she will regain her share of custody.
Custody fights are very traumatic, and devastating to the family, however, eventually things will smooth out and both parents will most likely have equal access to their children.