2008-07-19 17:39:40 UTC
Look at Paris Hilton. She's fooled around with plenty of men. And Miley is nothing compared to that! Look at Britney Spears. She tried committing suicide, shaved her head, put the kids in the front seat, and hangs with a paparazzo. And Miley is nothing compared to that! Look at all the other celebs. They've made mistakes. It's not just Miley that makes mistakes.
Reflect on what Miley Cyrus has done. Miley cares about her fans, gives food to the paps, loves her family, visits the sick, supports the troops, and is true to her religion. Yeah, she has done some pictures, but you don't blame her for it; you blame her parents...and a guy named Trainreq for hacking her MySpace.
Lastly, you shouuldn't bash Miley for her mistakes; you should praise her for all the good she has done...which has been a lot. Praise her for wanting God and Bibles and not scandals. Praise her for caring for her fans. Praise her apologizing for her mistakes. Praise her for loving her family, her friends, her fans, and God. I shall close this speech by saying that Miley earned her fame all by herself. The pictures she takes are perfectly normal for a teenage girl. She's "a lucky girl whose dreams came true, and underneath it all, she's just like you!" (Just Like You by Hannah Montana)